mihawk request: pt 2

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mihawk (42) x billy ! butcherson ! dom ! male (??)
warnings: smut i'll give a warning when it starts
requested by: @spooky-skeletons

mihawk found zoro and perona in the same room. he smoothed out his white button up shirt before gathering their attention. the two unnatural colored haired people raised an eyebrow.

mihawk's golden eyes were a bit dimmer as he looked away. "would you two... help me propose to m/n? he's taking too long."

the two looked at each other. then, zoro bursted out laughing as he never seen mihawk act like that. it was amusing and funny to him. perona giggled, a hand in front of her mouth to try and suppress it.

"okay, we'll help." perona said, zoro nodded, "but you have to do exactly what we say or it won't be cute."

mihawk nodded.


"hey, zombie." mihawk walked towards the male who was dusting off the books on the shelf.

"hey, vampire." m/n stopped what he was doing and walked towards mihawk.

he stood in front of mihawk, raising a brow as he noticed mihawk's strange behavior.

"would you like to take a walk?" mihawk asked, cocking his head towards the window, implying he wanted to go outside.

"a chance to spend time with my boyfriend?" he gasped over dramatically, "count me out." he teased. whining when mihawk smacked the back of his head. "okay, okay," he grabbed mihawk's hand, "let's go." he kissed mihawk's forehead.

they walked outside, keeping their hands latched together. mihawk would never get over how warm m/n's hand was, he sighed and relaxed as they walked in silence. mihawk leaned his head on the taller male's shoulder. m/n looked down, a fond smile on his face.

they fell into step, m/n's body following the movement of mihawk's as the alive male was leading them to wherever. m/n would follow him to the ends of the earth.

they stopped in front of the beach, seeing zoro and perona standing in front of the gorilla's. m/n raised a brow, finding it weird that the gorilla's were not attacking.

"dracule, don't you think that's weird? the gorillas should be fighting right?"

mihawk didn't say anything. he just stared, regretting on asking the two.

"bunch of idiots." he mumbled.

"huh?" m/n asked, turning to face mihawk, but he grabbed m/n's head and forced him to look back at the beach.

mihawk did not want him to see his embarrassed expression. perona turned to the gorillas, lifting her hands up and her ghost went through every gorilla. the gorillas fell down, their feet in the air as there were letters on their feet.

'will you marry me?' was spelled out.

zoro threw a box towards mihawk, too fast for m/n to see. but when he turned his head, he saw mihawk on one knee with the small box open and there was a ring.

m/n tried not to snicker as mihawk's expression. it screamed 'i never should've asked them. this was so stupid.' mihawk was looking away.

"drac..." mihawk grew a tad bit redder at the nickname as the tone of voice. it was a bit shaky from trying to hide his laugher. "you could've asked me when we were laying in bed and i would've said yes." he grabbed mihawk's hand, covering the ring as he helped him up. "god, i love you." he turned so his back was facing perona and zoro as he kissed mihawk. his hands cupping his face.

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