brook request:

560 24 14

brook x male
warnings: death
requested: @TheAllPowerfulWolf

⚠️spoilers of brook's past⚠️

brook counted the days he woke up alone. Using his bone finger to cut a line in the ship to count how long he's been alone. almost like a prison sentence, and it felt like it.

nobody to talk to, everything was dark and foggy, no shadow, no food. he was just drifting, in and out, nothing to show he was truly living and alive.

and he wasn't.

he was nothing but a skeleton. his devil fruit had been a blessing when he first got it, another chance to live, but now it felt like a curse.

when his soul finally returned to his body, he gasped with a jerk of his body. his bony fingers clasped against something else that was close to his bone structure.

he turned his head, looking to see what he was holding. even without a heart, he felt his heart clench at the sight. there was a skeleton of one of his crew mates. and not just any crew mate.

l/n m/n.

a man he had fallen for. it had taken their entire trip for brook to realize that, but what sucked was right when they were about to die. brook wished he could close his eyes and just think, to remember, to mourn, but he couldn't.

his eyes were stuck open, his body just as skinny as he was before he died. no skin to touch and remember, nothing.

he looked around the cold and dark ship. skeleton and bones scattered across the deck, their flag ruined to tatters, their sails with many holes, along with the deck, everything just looked destroyed and old.

brook doesn't know how long it's been since he's been dead, but he knew it was long enough for them to be reduced to bone. his empty eyes fell back onto m/n and their intertwined hands.

his usual h/c hair had fallen to pieces and scattered through the wind. his s/c tone was just white bone. the black pants he wore before his death was nothing but deteriorating shorts. his f/c shirt had holes and there was only string left on his body.

he looked back at the foggy ocean, feeling his life with m/n flash before his second chance. wishing it was his death that came instead, only to be with m/n again. even if his feelings hadn't been returned. (they were his mind is just a bit fuzzy).


brook played his violin.

standing on the edge of the ship, looking at his crew who were happily singing and dancing. his foot tapped the railing, not wanting to get too into it, for safety precautions.

his fingers were delicate as played his trusty violin. he briefly paused for his booze, gulping it down and going straight back to playing. the buzz of the booze and the gentle sway of the ship clouded his mind. the sun beat down over them and brooke felt slightly woozy on his empty stomach.

everyone was too drunk to notice the slight slur of the notes combining to make just noise. they were happy for some form of music, so they still danced and sang.

brook started to dance a bit more, eyes squinting behind his glasses and smile wide. he felt like a fiddler on a roof.

brook did a minor mishap, a few of his crew mates shouted his name as he slipped off the ship. he could hear the thumping of footsteps coming towards the area he slipped off, he closed his eyes, trusting his crew to save him since he couldn't swim.

instead, he winced as his head landed on something hard and his body hitting a tiny boat. he felt himself being shoved and he rolled a bit, body hitting the the side of the boat as his hand hit the water. he slowly turned his head.

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