mihawk request:

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former ! vampire ! hunter ! mihawk (30-45) x seme ! vampire ! husband ! reader (???)
💔(slight only in the beginning) ☁️💦
warnings: blood, mentions of death, blood kink, a bit of riding
requested: @punikkhomonnaknet
vampire au

m/n was always one to stick to the shadows. so upon meeting mihawk, it made him nervous, no one ever really found him.

especially not one he could tell was a vampire hunter. mihawk looked as if he could've been a vampire, but m/n knew better.

mihawk's giant two handed sword -later finding out the sword's name was yoru- that reeked of vampire blood, his black hat with a white thick and long feather, the black and maroon red coat that draped over his body, his midnight black pants that made him also blend in the shadows and showing off the muscle's he gained from his vampire hunting.

and the dead give away? the cross necklace.

m/n gulped, trying to keep a low profile. he did not want to die.

m/n heard mihawk was the best vampire hunter out there, and it freaked him out. he didn't know how mihawk knew a vampire was in the area, he didn't know how that worked. he mainly went out at night.

it was a good thing m/n could actually go out into the sun. no person knew that except vampires, so it was only natural to keep it to themselves and make sure no human knew.

it was a brisk morning, the sun slightly peeking out through the clouds.

"you there." a voice came behind m/n.

m/n froze from that muscular and deep voice. his dead heart felt like it was pounding in his ass. (he still has a heart, but it doesn't really beat all that much). he slowly turned his head, his e/c eyes seemed to stare at mihawk.

he hoped his s/c looked natural in the sun instead of the pale like color that dashed it because he was a vampire.

"can i help you?" m/n asked, keeping his voice steady and even.

even though mihawk was a vampire hunter, m/n couldn't help but be drawn to him. he didn't know if it were mihawk's natural scent of wine and steel (a hint of blood), or the way he carried himself or just from his looks in general.

mihawk looked m/n up and down, a slight hum leaving his lips. he walked towards m/n, letting his golden like hawk eyes bore into m/n's soul. m/n did his best not to sweat under the piercing gaze or to shift. if mihawk noticed a single fraction out of place, he would surely know.

"you're tall for a person." mihawk stated, mihawk himself was 6'6, so someone being taller (even if it were two inches) than him was unusual.

m/n raised a brow, "no taller than you."

mihawk did not seem amused, he deadpanned at m/n. he went to reach for his yoru, but m/n was quick witted. (not really).

"i can tell you're a vampire hunter or slayer, but i can assure i am no vampire. if i were, you think i would be out in the sun? i've heard vampire's strike at night or at any human they come across."

but m/n wanted to taste mihawk's blood. he knows it just has to be delicious from the way mihawk smells and holds himself high up.

mihawk merely stared, thinking over what m/n said. he slowly let his sword go, humming in thought once more. he took a step back from m/n and subtly nodded his head. but the look in mihawk's eyes said he wasn't fully believing it.

"very well then." mihawk said, "you wouldn't mind me sticking around a bit, right?"

fuck me, if i deny he'll know, but i don't.. he'll also know. i'll just buy time.

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