sanji one shot:

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sanji (21) x shorter ! cook ! male (20) !

warnings: none
note: f/f means favorite food
s/c means skin tone
h/c means hair color

there was a cooking competition, sanji looked thrilled to sign up for it. He was going to the prize, he knew he would win.

"hm, a competition?"

sanji turned to see a slightly shorter male. his h/c hair a bit frazzled but he had a bright smile. sanji cocked an eyebrow at that. but, he found that excited flushed face cute.

"yeah, i'm the best cook in the world." sanji said.

"a bit praiseful of yourself, don't you think?" but the light smile on his face said he didn't mind.

"it's not praise if it's true."

he laughed, fully turning to the blond swirly brow cook. he studied his face, upon further inspection, the s/c skin turned a shade darker as he blushed slightly.

"i'm an okay cook." the h/c haired male stated, "i usually make it for myself so i'm not sure if others will enjoy it the same."

"i'm sure it'll be fine." sanji laughed, grabbing a cigarette.

he saw the male eyeing it, he offered one but was turned down. he put his hand out in front of his body to reject it.

"no thanks. i don't smoke." sanji shrugged, lighting it. he looked at the extended hand out. he shook it, "i'm m/n."

"sanji. may the best cook win."

"hey now, you said you were going to win." he lifted a finger, shaking it in front of sanji's eye, "so you better keep your word." he gave a closed eyed smile.

sanji's heart skipped a beat at that. he wanted to talk to him more, but m/n disappeared into the crowd. he muttered a simple 'wow' before going to sign up and take his place. he could find his crew later, all he wanted was to win and look for m/n again.

he didn't understand why a male would have such an impact on him. he liked females, but m/n had this pull to him.

he walked to his cooking station, rolling his sleeves up. his eye looking around to see if he can spot the male he just talked to. and when he did, he noticed the male was looking around, and then his eyes landed on sanji. m/n gave the widest smile and the biggest wave.

if he were a loud person, he would've yelled out sanji's name, but he settled whenever sanji waved back, giving him a wide smile as well.

his crew managed to find him, staying in the crowd as they heard the words 'go!' and he began to cut some vegetables.

m/n decided to make his favorite dish. he grabbed all the ingredients he needed. he grabbed every spice he needed to make sure his favorite dish had a slight kick.

he poked his tongue out, concentrating on the heat from the stove he was able to use.

sanji glanced up, admiring the shorter male for a brief moment, looking back at his knife. he shook his head, he couldn't get distracted. he was going to win.

after about an hour, the time limit ended. each cook had to drop their attention from their food, no longer being able to touch their dish anymore.

m/n lifted his hands up, along with every other cook. m/n searched for sanji's eyes, and when he looked at sanji, the blond was waving to someone in the crowd. he looked and saw the famous straw hat, m/n awed a bit, he thought some pirates were cool, straw hat luffy was the coolest to him.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now