luffy request:

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luffy x traveler ! bottom ! male
warnings: blow job, finger fucking
requested: @Yusif07

note: r/n=random day

m/n was nothing but a simple traveler, a small bag over his shoulders as he hummed to himself. he hopped from island to island, stowing away on whatever ships he could get his hands on.

until he jumped on an island, it was a very pretty island. he didn't know which island it was as he's been hiding in barrels and cabinets and whatever he could twist into to not be caught.

he was flexible.

he shrugged his shoulders, the wind pushing his h/c hair away from his face and his bag bouncing with every step. a small smile on his face as he grabbed the wanted posters from his bag.

he usually checks them, making sure he knew what people to avoid on an island just in case.

he snuck around the markets, pretending to look around as his hands slipped and stole whatever food he would enjoy. slipping the products into his bag and moving on.

a whistle leaving his lips and hands behind his head as he continued to browse. eyes going everywhere and mind occupied with what else he could steal.

he didn't even realize someone was running towards him, not actually towards him, but away from someone in m/n's direction. until he felt his bag and some other body being slammed into him.

m/n stumbled, falling on his stomach and groaning. his stolen goods falling out of his bag, he merely heard a laugh.

"sorry!" the voice was loud and clear, making m/n cringe since it was right by his ear.

m/n turned his head to see a black haired male with a straw hat. his eyes widening at remembering seeing his wanted poster. he cursed himself for getting tangled up in a pirates business.

"WHERE'D HE GO?!" he heard a voice.

but m/n focused on the towns people staring at them, gasping about m/n's stolen food since it wasn't in a bag.

"uh oh, gotta run, the marines are after me." luffy grinned.

luffy darted up and ran again, m/n scrambled up. grabbing what food he could before stuffing it in his bag and running. hearing the marines now after him because the townspeople told on him.

"bitches." he muttered.

he caught up with luffy. both running and having good stamina. luffy looked and grinned, holding onto his straw hat and running the same direction. it seems they both were running from the same people.

luffy grabbed his wrist, yanking him somewhere else. m/n stumbled after luffy, but allowed himself to be dragged. if it meant being safe, then so be it, he would allow the pirate to whisk him away for a bit.

they were pressed against a dark alley, luffy's back against one wall and m/n's against the other. their chest touching from the close proximity, but they thought nothing of it. luffy began laughing again, so m/n quickly covered his mouth with his s/c skinned hands.

luffy's laugh being muffled, but at least it wasn't noticeable. m/n continued to look out, seeing the marines finally run past them. m/n sighed out in relief, letting luffy's mouth go.

the pirate wasn't laughing, instead he was grinning widely at m/n. the traveler raised a brow, looking at luffy confusedly. luffy looked at his bag.

"are you a runaway?" he asked.

m/n blinked, "uh... no?" he tilted his head, not sure what he meant.

luffy pointed to his bag, "what's with the bag and stealing then?"

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now