luffy one shot: pt2

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luffy (19) x controlling ! the ! dead !devil ! fruit ! male (19)
warnings: a bit of arguing, that's it.
requested by: @arrietty_Ghibli_

"so, this is the ship." luffy said, spreading his arms, "that's pretty much it."

m/n raised a brow, "not even the inside?"

"oh, right!" luffy grabbed m/n's wrist, making him follow the rubber boy as he gave a brief, terrible tour with little to none information.

m/n had one zombie and one ghost following him at all times. not because he was weary or needed it, but because that was apart of his devil fruit.

"do your friends have names?" chopper asked, hiding behind zoro, not very well though.

m/n looked at his undead followers, he pursed his lips. "never bothered to ask." he shrugged.

"they're your friends, aren't they?" nami asked, tilting her head.

"we only follow the master's orders." the zombie said, his jaw popping off slightly before using its boney fingers to put it back into place.

the ghost flew around the ship, going through the ship to check it out. making sure it was safe enough for its master.

luffy paid no mind as he tugged m/n to follow him to the kitchen. sanji was already making something.

"will you be eating dinner with us? since your ship is still following us." sanji briefly looked at the devil fruit male.

"no, i will be eating with the dead." m/n said.

"what? but sanji can make you a plate. no trouble at all." luffy got close, m/n coughed a bit, hiding his blush. having no human contact until recently was killing him. "if that's what you're worried about, we got plenty of food."

"if you don't eat it all. you think with your stomach." sanji said, finishing up dinner.

"i appreciate the offer, but i'm used to eating with them. i'm most comfortable with them."

"then we'll just have to get you comfortable!" luffy laughed.

m/n nodded, turning and taking his leave to go back to his ship. he lifted his hand, flicking his wrist and turning his hand towards him. the zombies on his ship began to connect their limbs and made a plank for him and the zombie to walk across. the ghost floating behind him.

the male sat in the giant dining room he had, the zombies, ghosts, vampires, ghouls, wendigo's (pic at the bottom) skeletons and the grim reaper all gathered in the room or around it. keeping m/n company as he ate the food the grim reaper cooked.

there were many other undead creatures on his ship, but they all stayed in the shadows. especially the grim reaper and the wendigo's, but every now and then, they kept m/n company as he ate. the zombies and ghosts were the main dead creatures m/n spent his time with.

m/n went to his room afterwards, having the vampires guard the outside of his room. the zombie and ghost on the inside. he was beyond tired, he had an eventful day.

each day he spent with the straws hat, or, each day he would spend it with luffy. but each night he went back to his ship, he slept in his bed, he went to his home.

every morning when he woke up and got ready, he would eat breakfast and go to the straw hat ship. he only took the drinks sanji made, but refused to eat with them during lunch time or dinner.

he felt weird eating in front of others, he felt weird that they were alive and talking. usually he ate in silence, his zombies and ghost keeping him company. occasionally, other types of dead creatures would keep him company.

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