mihawk request:

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mihawk (24-29) x dom ! male ! (25-30)
💔 (slight not a lot) ☁️💦
warnings: a bit of reader injury, doctor mihawk, just smut.
requested by: @PunikaKhomonnaknet

⚠️time place is going to be when they're way younger i looked it up it said mihawk became the strongest swordsman between 20-30 years old⚠️

m/n was sitting in a tree, his foot dangling over the branch with his hands behind his head and eyes closed. he was trying to take a short nap in the nice warm sun.

the gentle breeze was like a light hum in his ears. it was such a peaceful and perfect day, nothing could go wrong and ruin his nap time.

his ears twitched, he assumed it was only the ruffle of the leaves in the tree, but his ears continued to twitch.

his eyebrows furrowed, he had a feeling his peaceful day would no longer be peaceful. his blank expression creased into a frown and he opened his irritated e/c eyes.

he looked around, there was nothing out of the ordinary in his bleak little island town. no one came here, no marine and no pirate... so why in the hell did he feel like something was going to happen?

he rolled off his tree branch, flipping and landing gracefully on the ground.

that's a lie, he fell face forward by tripping over his shoes when he landed. he got up, dusting himself and acting like nothing happened. which, no one would ever say he tripped and fell (even if they did see him fall) he's completely clumsy.

he stuck his hands in his pockets, walking back to his town. he looked around intently, it seemed normal.

kids running around as usual, parents out watching their kids, elderly sweeping off their porch. everyone helping the ones who need it, it was their small town where everyone knew each other.

a few kids ran towards m/n, giggling before they stopped in front of the taller male. they looked up, the two boys shoved the little girl towards m/n.

she fell into his leg, m/n caught her before she slipped off and landed on the ground. she pulled back, smiling wide up at him.

"hi mr. m/n!" she grinned even more.

"hey alise, what are your brothers up to now?"

"nothing mr. m/n!" the two boys shouted in sync.

m/n didn't believe them, but he smiled anyways. those three always found m/n when he was in town and ask him to play with them. more so, just to tease their sister.

"i won't be able to play today, there might be something happening."

the three frowned, but waved their goodbyes and continued to run. m/n stretched and went back to walking, he loved his town.

"who's the strongest here?!"

simultaneously, everyone that was out -kids included- looked at m/n. but the taller male just stared in front of him.

there was a man who looked around his age, he had golden like eyes with black rims in the middle to outline his pupils. he had a stubble with other facial hair to connect it, seemed he was growing out his sideburns and beard to connect around his face. he was pale but m/n was okay with staring at his open chest that seemed toned and chiseled. he could tell the muscles were still growing.

he's so hot, but i think he wants to kill me.

m/n lifted his hand, "um, i'm not strong. we're all just local people who live in peace. i shall be off and out of your way."

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now