luffy request:

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luffy (19) x dom ! male (20)
warnings: nightmare
requested: @unknown_de1ty
modern au (this is actually my idea in my drafts on google docs, this person just didn't state what they wanted. they just wanted more dom male x luffy)

luffy's day had been horrible, first he didn't have enough food, next he spilled his favorite drink, then his teachers kept calling him out on things he couldn't control, got into trouble all the time because of it.

all he wanted to do was see m/n, his boyfriend.

but the male was nowhere to be seen, it was hard getting to m/n. it was always luffy alone most days, m/n had completely disappeared.

luffy wasn't one to feel fear or actually think -he usually says whatever comes to his mind- but he began to feel anxious. it was very uncharacteristic of him, but m/n never really showed up.

they've been hanging out very minimal, he usually makes excuses and finds times to keep away from luffy. on times he does hang out, there isn't much going on.

luffy wondered if it were him, but shrugged it off because it was him. luffy was awesome.

luffy turned the corner to get to his locker, seeing m/n and robin near that area. he perked up, a wide smile adorning his soft tanned cheeks. he practically skipped to m/n.

"m/n! i missed you so much!" he excitedly said, hugging m/n.

m/n scoffed in disgust, shoving him off. luffy hit the back wall and fell to the ground, eyes wide in shock and confusion. he looked up at m/n, not wanting to show how hurt he was, but it must've peeked through as m/n smirked down at him.

once m/n threw his arm around robin's waist, pulling her in for a tender kiss... luffy began to cry. he didn't understand the hurt feeling, he didn't understand why this pain was the worst thing he's ever felt. all he knew was that he was crying.

"i never loved you." m/n said, "i took pity on you because for some odd reason you couldn't leave me alone. you didn't think i could ever love a boy, let alone you, did you?"

robin simply laughed, snuggling into m/n's side. "it's quite alright straw hat, i'll give him the fulfillment you never could."

"robin has been my sweet love since the day we meet." m/n stated, "you were just an obstacle i felt bad for. stay away from us." m/n spat on luffy who couldn't even get up from the ground.

he felt an agonizing pain.

luffy bolted up in a gasp, sweat trailing down the side of his face and tears streaming down his eyes. he touched his cheeks, lips quivering a bit as he couldn't believe he was crying over this.

he grabbed his phone, rubbing his eyes to see the time. it was 3:14am, a very late time on a school night. that didn't matter to luffy.

he opened his phone, looking at it briefly out of confusion before remembering what he was doing. he went to a certain contact that could always calm him down without a doubt. he clicked the call button, holding it to his ear and sniffling while he waited.

he wanted to have an even voice, not wanting to worry the person who was about to answer. after the third ring, there was a pick up.

"hello?" the male groggily asked.

luffy imagined the male was rubbing his eyes, knowing he didn't even look to see who it was, it would've been a much peppier tone. which that didn't make him feel better, not after his nightmare.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now