zoro request:

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zoro (21) x top ! four-sword ! style ! male (21)
warnings: no preparation
requested: @ma_mara00

when m/n joined the crew, zoro felt a twinge of jealousy. he wasn't sure if it were because he could wield a type of four swords technique, or if it was because he was just naturally talented, or if it was because his entire crew was entranced by m/n. either way, he just knew he was jealous.

he would continue to glare at m/n, but the male didn't care. he simply smiled at the other crew members, and luffy (especially) enjoyed seeing him use his four sword style.

it was a style m/n himself invented.

he just wanted to challenge himself, two swords was boring and then three swords was boring... he was just a man who liked having fun and making things up. he one time even learned magic and how to break dance because he was bored.

mainly at night because he has insomnia, so he teaches himself different types of things while he can't sleep. he even learned a few languages. this is also how he learned four sword style.

he holds one sword in each hand, and two in his mouth. the one's in his hands are katana's and the ones in his mouth are sickles. they are sharp and curve and he can connect the two sickles on the end so it's double bladed. but sometimes he likes to challenge himself and he doesn't connect his sickles while using them.

other times when he feels like fighting with one sword or two swords, he uses his sickles. he loved his sickles and the sounds they made when he clinked them together. it was always the last sound his enemies heard, and it always shook fear in them.

zoro was envious.

zoro watched m/n's every move, study the way he used his weapons, the way he spoke, how he interacted, and what causes certain emotions to entice his -otherwise emotionless- face. each time zoro got caught looking at m/n, zoro would only harden into a glare. m/n's lips would curl into a soft smile before going back to blank and looking away. once m/n would look away, zoro would soften his face and just curiously watch.

zoro didn't know what exactly he was feeling when m/n seemed to be relaxed, but he enjoyed it. yet, he still seemed to have a certain irritation for m/n. he was still highly jealous and envious, but there was certain warmth and admiration directed at the taller male.

he sometimes wanted to ask how m/n did it, but then he'd get too nervous and fidgety when looking at m/n and he'd back out.

yet, one night was different. zoro decided he needed a drink from all these conflicting feelings and irritation. everyone had fallen asleep and zoro usually watches over the ship in the crow's nest, but he could sacrifice a few minutes to get some sake.

he hummed to himself, disabling sanji's trap -for luffy- with ease as he grabbed the booze. he decided to straight drink it from the bottle. hoping the burning alcohol will soothe him and help him think straight. zoro wasn't the brightest, everyone knew that, so of course booze won't make him think straight.

zoro took a sip of his sake, almost choking on it when he turned and saw m/n. his katanas on his left side and his slicks on his right side. m/n blinked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"are you alright, roronoa?"

zoro froze a bit, he's never actually talked to m/n or listened when he spoke, so the voice caught him off guard. it was soft and gentle when he spoke at zoro, but a tinge of a natural rasp with each word spoken. zoro took a deep breath, letting the bottle of booze hang loose at his side.

"fine." zoro grumbled, looking away.

"i see, that's good." m/n said, walking further into the kitchen.

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