mihawk request: pt 1

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mihawk (40) x billy ! butcherson ! zombie ! male (??)
warnings: dead people???
requested by: @spooky-skeletons


m/n sat on brook's ship, legs hanging over the edge as the skeleton was singing. he was kicking his feet back and forth, frowning slightly.

"wouldn't it be nice to leave here?" m/n asked, halting brook's singing.

the empty eyes of the skeleton looked at him, "you know I can't. at least not yet."

he hummed, but he couldn't wait that long. him and brook were good friends, the best of friends, but the zombie male was itching to leave. to get off this island, his shadow wasn't gone. he stood up on the ledge, looking back at brook, the stitches on his lips made his smile a bit creepy.

"well, i'm going to get your shadow back."

"m/n don't you dare-" but the skeleton's pleads fell upon deaf's ear.

the male jumped off brook's lonely ship. the skeleton was going to follow, but he couldn't swim, and m/n took the mini boat and disappeared into the fog.

"my bones are shaking." brook mumbled to himself.

m/n probably wouldn't be able to get brook's shadow back, he's a messily zombie who had to cut in between his lips just so he could talk. but, no harm in trying, right?


"ah shit, kuma's here, again?" he mumbled.

but, it wasn't quiet enough as they both turned to look at him, the shadow warlord began laughing. the zombie male grimaced at that, the laugh was annoying and disgusting.

"you've managed to get away every time i tried to take your shadow."

"and it will happen again." he pivoted on his heels, "i will take my leave."

"you're not going anywhere."

"i'm going somewhere."

but he was stopped by other zombies, sighing as he knew it was his time to fight. he was a good fighter, being dead had its perks as he had all the time in the world to train and pop his limbs out of place and back in place.

these zombies were weak, so m/n had no problem defeating them. he grew cocky, forgetting about the two warlords way out of his league.

he felt his messy hair stand up even more. he tried to run, but gecko mordia grabbed him. and the zombie sighed.

"it's the end of the world, as we know it." he sang to himself as he was high up. "there goes my shadow."

kuma watched this, remembering the zombie. they never spoke, but the zombie seemed like a good guy. so, kuma took his glove off, touching the zombie male before mordia could steal his shadow.

m/n disappeared.

"what'd you do that for?! his shadow was powerful!" gecko mordia snapped at the other warlord.

kuma shrugged, "i tripped."

m/n felt like he was floating, there was a bubble around him cutting through the air. he looked up at the sky, putting his hands behind his head, he was pretty calm. he was okay and not alive, but alive.

"wait! what about brook?!" he shouted in the bubble, knowing no one would answer. "he must be worried."

in fact, brook was worried. but, he couldn't do anything, not until he got his shadow back. and each time he's failed.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now