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ONCE WE GOT to Philadelphia we stopped at the nearest strip club, it was 2am and we had nothing else to do.

We sat at a table, and a stripper came crawling from under the table, "want a dance?"

"How much?" I ask pulling my wallet out of my pocket until-

"Holy shit!" Vince screams, it was Bella, Tim, Spidey and Dylan.

"Hey," Tim, my bass tech, says and high-fives Vince.

I look at the blonde stripper between my legs "Nevermind," and she crawls back under the table and leaves, giving all of them confused looks.

Bella sits next to me and pretends not to acknowledge me, "what are you doing here?" I ask her, I have no idea why she would be here, I mean she doesn't like women, as far as I know.

"They asked me to come so I came," she answers not even looking at me.

"You guys want a bump?" Tommy offers the group of roadies.

"Sure," Bella accepts, my eyes go wide, and my jaw slightly drops, she snorts the coke and sits back down, I could tell she's done it before which is also why I'm in shock, "I'm gonna go get a drink you guys want anything?"

"Just get us some shots?" Vince says, she stands up, she's dressed differently than usual, leather pants, red tank top with thick straps, I'm kinda digging it.

I follow her, "are you mad at me?" I ask her before we get, to the bar.

"Mad about you almost getting a lap dance? Of course not it's not like we're dating or anything," she's definitely pissed.

"Look I'm sorry," I plead.

"8 shots of vodka please," she asks the bartender, she keeps her eyes forward, "like I said, it's not like we're dating so there's no reason for you to apologize," we get all the shots and she tries to hold all of them by herself.

"Let me take some of those for you," I take some out of her hands.

"Thank you," she smiles, we walk back I'm pretty sure there's a chick giving Tommy a blowjob under the table.
It's been an hour and I'm drunk, and so is everyone else, Bella is talking to the bartender, "hey," I turn to Dylan, "what's up with her?"

"I don't know, she gets really philosophical when drunk, it's a bit weird, but really interesting, but also makes you think in a way you don't want to, fucking Ms.Davis," he takes a drink of his beer.

I see something moving in my peripheral view and it's Bella running outside. I run after her and she's throwing up, I hold her hair up, "there there, it's ok," I pat her back, "why'd you straighten your hair?"

"It makes me feel pretty," she coughs and stands back up, "you know I really wish sometimes I could tell you how much I loved you."


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