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BELLA-I WALKED INTO Mötleys recording studio to talk to Doc about something, "hey I-"

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I WALKED INTO Mötleys recording studio to talk to Doc about something, "hey I-"

"Shh, they're recording something," he says cutting me off. I look at Nikki sitting behind all the equipment, he had blonde highlights now. I haven't talked to him or seen him since he called me.

"What about Mick? We hear he's a little paranoid, he might have his ear up the wall or something," The interview asks behind the camera. Nikki's elbow is against the equipment and his head against his hand.

"Uh I can't talk about Mick right now. He's uh, he's going through some hard times. " He removes his hand from under his head, "In fact he's going through some really rough times."

Wasn't that just the same sentence said differently?

"You know Mick, Mick may not-" he stops himself, "can I say this? Should I tell them? No," he mutters, "Mick may not."

"We won't play it back for him," the interviewer says.

"Okay well Mick may not make it," he says calmly, "he drinks, a little to much," he twitches his head, "and it looks rough, looks rough."

I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw Mick enter the room, Doc gived me a death glare as a way of shutting me up.

Nikki turns his head and smiles at Mick, "hey dude what's going on?" he laughs.

They turn the camera toward where I was which was right by Mick, "I heard what you said," he crosses his arms, "And you're dead."

I smile trying not to laugh too loud, "And you're dead," Nikki repeats while laughing.

"You're a dead man," someone else says.

"Mick's great," Nikki raises his hands and drink in defense, "he's perfect."

Finally they stop recording, "hey, Mejia," Mick says.

"Hey old man," I give him a hug.

"How're the bones?" I ask, Mick and I started to call often and apparently he doesn't want to take his meds.

"How do you think?" He exhaled, "horrible as always."

At first I was told that the album was called something I can't remember for the life of me. But later on they changed it, because the one and only Nikki Sixx didn't think it was fitting.

At this point they were about to release the first single, Girls Girls Girls, which is the title track of the up and coming album.

"So why'd you come here?" Doug asks with Doc next to him.

"Well we got all the parts for Tommy's steel cage," I say.

"You're telling me this why?" Doc asks, he gets on my fucking nerves.

"Doc, first of all its fucking important, second of all I could be on tour right now with other bands but I am prioritizing this so don't be a fucking dick, third of all I need Spideys phone number," I point to the ground angrily.

"Hell if I know," he says nonchalantly, "ask Tommy." He then walks away and I have no idea where Tommy is.

"Fuck," I mutter.

"I'll help you find him," Nikki says. I don't exactly want to be talking to him right now.

I take a deep breath, "okay."

He leads me through the studio to hopefully find Tommy, "just gonna give me silent treatment?"

"Yep," I pop the P.

"C'mon you broke up with me over a stupid hookup," he laughs as we walk down the hall.

"Yeah a stupid hookup that you had while we were in a relationship," I say sternly, "and the fact that that sentence just came out of your mouth says a lot."

"Okay okay, god I thought we were friends but you're being aggressive," he huffs.

"Friends? We're merely acquaintances, actually we just work together, now if you'll excuse me, I need to do my job and find Tommy so I can get ahold of Spidey," I speed walk down the hall to hopefully lose him.

"I THINK I'M going to make her jealous," I say to the guys after Bella left.

"What?" Vince asks laughing hysterically, "no fucking way will that work."

I roll my eyes because, well, it's Vince. "Trust me Vinny, it'll work."

"No I don't think so man," Tommy adds in, still not convincing.

"T-bone, c'mon," I raise my arms.

"For once they're right bassist, I mean she's not over you but it won't work," Mick says. Okay maybe now I'm convinced.

"She's not over me?" I lean over in my seat.

"Don't bother with her Sixx, she deserves better than what you put her through," Mick stands up and leaves. Prick.
I decided that I was going to go with the original plan, jealousy.

I didn't think this was the best way to make her jealous but a friend of mine insisted that he set me on a blind date.

I got ready for my date by wearing a button up, black jeans and quite some hair spray, whoever she is won't be able to resist me. Then I drove to the restaurant that I was supposed to meet her at, I definitely didn't dress for the occasion.

"Reservation for Nikki Sixx," I say, "right this way, are you still waiting for someone?"

"Yes," I say and she grabs two menus and brings me to my table.

I was waiting at my table for awhile, she was taking so long the waitress came by and asked what I wanted to order, I just told her to wait.

I saw my date come, she was pretty hot not gonna lie, she sat down and said."Sorry I'm late, traffic," she brushes her hair out of her face.

"It's okay," she looks familiar. "Nikki by the way."

"Brandi, Brandi Brandt."
Today we're going to see Tommy's steel cage in action, we're putting it where we rehearse and just testing it out. I decided to bring Brandi as my first step.

We walked in hand in hand. Most people were already here, "so what are we doing again?" She asks with her hand on my chest. Goddamn she's short.

"You'll see," I say not wanting to explain myself again. She was really confused in the car to why we needed to do this.

"Okay I just want to talk really quick," Bella says up on the stage.

"Most of you guys know us but I'm Dylan, this is Bella, we're you're stage managers," he says smiling.

"We kind of just want to test this thing out, we already built it which took too fucking long but it's done, we need to test it without the drum set, with it on, with mics, we need to make sure it's suitable for a person too, then see if Tommy can do it," she lists off each thing on her fingers.

"Boo!" Tommy says eager to just go on.

Bella rolls her eye, "let's get started."
Things were going smoothly and they took a break, Brandi would cling onto me thinking it was going to fall on top of her.

I go outside and see Bella, she's having a smoke break, wearing all black work clothes, her hair tied up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just stressed I guess," she sighs, "You?"

"Same," she lit my cigarette, in need of a way to piss her off I asked,"what do you think of Brandi?" I look at her and she stares out toward the street.

"Nikki I barely talked to her," she laughs and walks away.
sorry to say this but this story will have way more chapters than i intended.

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