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BELLA-ABOUT A MONTH has passed meaning L

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ABOUT A MONTH has passed meaning L.A Guns and Whitesnake finished their last show. Meaning from this point on I will be stuck on the road with Duff Mckagan.

We start unloading and I'm just preparing for what will happen in the next few months.

"Bella pass me the gaff tape," Dylan asks. He had ran out of black shirts so he had to cover up the graphic design.

"Man I love this tape, so many uses for it," I smile proudly. Every person in this business knows gaff tape works wonders.

I made my way to the bus and see Vince stressing Ryann out, she has a note pad and is struggling to keep up with what he was saying. Then I approached them, "Vinny," I catch his attention, "slow down, she's new, go easy on her," He nods.

"Then I want a bottle of Jack," he continues.

"She's underage!" I yell as he walks away. She's 19, not a minor, but not old enough to buy alcohol.

After opening the door I jolt not expecting to see Tim.

"Oh, hey," he says awkwardly. We haven't been left alone since the situation at the strip joint.

"Hey," I smile, "just came to grab something."

"Oh okay," he says.

The tension grows even more and before I know it he grabs my waist, twirls me around and I'm pushed up against the wall. Our lips met and we aggressively kissed.

He pulls the curtain to his bunk, I take my shirt off and he starts unbuckling his belt.

Then commence the aggressive knocking, "hey Tim you in there!" Nikki knocks on the door for his bass tech probably needing something.

"Uhhh yeah," he freaks out. I put my shirt back on and he buckles his belt and I start to prepare excuses.

He opens the door and Nikki walks in, "what's going on?"

"Nothing," I say, "just grabbing my hair stuff, the weather made it frizzy."

"Ah, yeah forgot, humid weather does that to you," he points to his hair, "anyways is everything tuned?"

"Uhh," Tim scratches his head, "not yet I was about to get there."

"Alright," he says. Nikki gives me a death glare as if he knew what happened. They walk out and I start doing what I actually came in here to do. My hair.

I just put in some anti-frizz and left then walked into the parking lot and see a new bus pull in. I know whose in there so I stand there and just watch who comes out.

The five boys come out all laughing. They spot me, "Bella!" They all say in unison. GNR runs up to me engulfing me in a group hug, all except Duff.

"Hey guys," I laugh as they squeeze me, "I've missed you all."

"We have too," Slash says hugging me again.

"Alright let's get all this shit set up, welcome to the tour," I smile.
Dylan and I decided to go out for lunch after rehearsal.

"So are things awkward with Duff?" Dylan asks picking through his food.

"Eh, not yet at least, once we're left alone things will probably be a mess," I say, "I really need to stop going for bassists."

"You always say that, well not exactly that, but the one times you tried something different that didn't work out," he says referring to Miguel. The museum boy.

"Neither did the bassists," I say and take a bite of my chocolate croissant.

"Yeah, but you're going towards one again," he says.

"Well not exactly," I exaggerate the 'exactly.' Then continue, "None of us see it going anywhere, plus we agreed, probably won't happen again." Even though something did almost happen.

"I guess," He shakes his head, "oh look who it is." I turn around and see Brandi, she hasn't noticed us yet but she's alone.

She gets a drink and then sees us, "oh my god hi," she waves.

"Hey, wanna pull up a seat?" I ask.

She pulls out a chair from an unoccupied table, "what are you two up to?" She rests her chin on her hand.

"Just wanted to eat before sound check, it's our little routine," I smile.

We all talk for a bit about random things, "so..." Brandi starts, we can all guess what she's going to say.

"Brandi I already told you," I sigh taking a sip of my coffee.

"Well neither you or Nikki are telling me what really happened," she groans. I know she has every right to know, I'll just feel guilty if something happens because she knows.

I look at Dylan for approval and he twitches his head toward her saying just tell her.

"Okay," I grip my coffee cup, "At Vince's party, we arrived at separate times, I went looking for him throughout the house," I take a deep breath in, "and heard moans from a bedroom, she was moaning Nikki's name-"

"He cheated on you?" She gasps in utter shock and I disappointingly nod.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't know," she stands up, "I should go."
I felt bad after telling Brandi, I haven't seen her since

"Dude," Tommy starts as I try to fix a few things, "I literally am so impressed with how buff you are how did that even happen."

"Tommy my job is to lift heavy things," I laugh, "hey Mick!"

"What?" He asks.

"Can you pass me the screwdriver?" I put my hand out for him to give it to me and he does, "how do you guys think Guns will do?"

"Fucking awesome according to Nikki," Vince says.

"I've seen them play, I would trust Nikki," I continue to fix the main radio.

"You have?" Tommy says and I look at him, "Ohhh right!"

We finished sound check then the show started, Guns N' Roses did amazing. I looked at Duff a couple of times and couldn't help but feel a little tingle between my legs.

"It's so easy, but nothing seems to please me, it all feels so right, when I fade into the night, so come with me, don't ask me where cause I don't know, I'll try to please you, I ain't got no money but it goes to show!" I sang along with Axl.

Memories flashed back of them playing at the Whisky. It's great knowing they made it this far.

As expected I almost had a panic attack when Tommy went in the air, then the show was over so I went back stage.

That was a great show guys!" I smile.

"Thanks," Vince takes a drink of water. I look around and see Brandi talking to Nikki, her face is scrunched and he just takes whatever she's saying.

She stomps away and he pulls a cigarette out.

I turn around remembering this is work, "okay guys let's wrap this all up once everyone leaves," I order and all the roadies to start doing their job.
We packed up and got on the bus to make our way to the next city. But before we left Nikki angrily stomps in here.

"You told Brandi why we broke up!"

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