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BELLA-I'VE BEEN GOING to these meetings for about a month now

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I'VE BEEN GOING to these meetings for about a month now. The guy who invited me to the bar I learned was named Kevin, he was a journalist, he was anorexic. He started to walk me to my car, from what I knew he didn't have many friends so I kept him company at meetings, he'd been going to these meetings for years now.

Today Nikki was picking me up, he brought his Honda, it was a bike, don't know much about it but he brought it. "Wait is that Nikki Sixx?" Kevin asks from afar.

"Oh yeah, I tour with Mötley, stage tech," I clarify.

"Oh cool, well, see you next week," and he walked to his car.

Nikki was leaning on his bike, sunglasses on, and his signature leather jacket.

"Who was that?" He asked sounding pissed.

"Just someone from the thing," I say. I don't really know what to call these out loud, "why?"

"Well I just don't like the idea of someone just casually chatting it up with you," he scoffs.

"Why, I mean you said it yourself, it's casual," I raise an eyebrow.

"It's just when some guy is flirting with my girlfriend-" he stops himself realizing what he said.

"Your what?" I smile.

"My girlfriend," I wrap my arms around his neck and pull in to give him a kiss. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to," I say my arms still around his neck, my boyfriends neck.

"I have to go to the house of blues for a gig, I'm too tired for this," I sigh.

"I'll drive you home, and after either I can sleep at your place or you can sleep at mine," he suggests.

"Sounds like a plan," I say excitedly.

He took me home and left, when I got inside Dylan was sitting on the couch looking at papers.

"What're you looking at?" I sit next to him.

"Just some new places," he says.

"We need to hang out more, like actually go out, you're gonna be gone and maybe get married then have a kid and we're barely going to have time for one another," I said.

"Bella, I haven't even picked a place yet why are you so worried," he laughs.

"Because, I'm gonna miss you," I smile. "Enough about the sad talk, I have news!"

"I'm listening," he perks up.

"So Nikki asked me today to be his girlfriend," I smile.

"Did you say yes?" He jumps up and down.

"Of course I did," he hugs me while jumping on the couch.

"Fucking god, I am so happy for you!"

I WENT HOME I checked my mail box and grabbed my gear. I couldn't deal with withdrawals anymore and just craved it. I have no friends, no family, I have Bella, and she's trying, she really is but smack and I have an unbreakable bond.

The band, we don't really hang out. Of course once in a awhile one of us will come around but not really sure what's going on.

But also Bella and I haven't had sex, and I'm a bit bummed, but I'll wait for her. She'll come around.

I got situated and shot into my leg, I remember the first time I did this and threw up, but now it just feels so right, it's an odd transition really.
I woke up and looked at the time, it was 3am, shit! I was supposed to go see Bella. I got to my car and drove to her place.

I knocked on her door, heard Duffin barking and she immediately opened the door.

"Hey babe," she says.

"Hey," she smiles. Our first day actually being together and I'm fucking up. Already. "I'm really sorry, I lost track of time."

"It's fine," she digs her nails into her already scarred palms.

"Why are you up so late?" I ask.

"Shhh," he smiles holding her finger up to her lips. All you can hear are moans from Dylan and Athena. She starts laughing "that's why."

"Wanna come to my place? To drown that out?" I laugh with her and point at the door.

"Oh please," she just grabs a sweater and gets out of her apartment.
I woke up the next morning and she wasn't in bed, I heard something going on downstairs, I walk down and see Bella washing my dishes, the house was clean.

"Oh good morning, there's coffee in the pot and I made some Empanadas de Leche, they should still be warm," she continues to wash dishes while humming a tune.

I come up behind her and turn off the water, "you didn't have to do all that," I hold her by her waist.

"But I wanted to," she turns around.

"I don't think I can trust you around dishes seeing as you managed to shatter two mugs with your bare hands," I laugh.

"Listen, it was very impressive, and I haven't done that in like a year," she says, "but let's eat, I didn't make these for nothing."

She grabs two clean plates and gives me two empanadas, while she only gives herself one, "Bella," I say disappointed.

"What?" She asks unbothered.

"Really? Only one, you need more than that," She's gained some weight back and her skin was as tan as when I met her, well she was always dark but still was pale.

"I'm fine," she smiles.

"Bella, that can't fill you up," she sticks her face in her hands.

"Nikki," she keeps looking down her fists planted next to her plate, "I can't eat that much, if I keep pushing it I will literally puke, this is so much harder than I thought it was so I'm just going to stick to one."

I grab her hand, "I'm sorry, I should have thought about how hard this would be for you too," I rub her hand with my thumb. I love her, I really do.

"It's fine, just trying to gradually eat meals, I'm kinds only eating one meal a day otherwise I'm nauseous," if this is as much as a one meal and this is all she eats in a day this isn't good like at all. "Enough about me though, how've you been holding up?"

"I'm doing great, now that you and I are actually together I'm happy," I give her a kiss, "these are good by the way."

"Yeah for someone with an eating disorder I'm surprisingly a good cook," she laughs. I try to hold it in, she kinda has a dark sense of humor and it feels wrong to laugh at, "Go ahead, laugh, it's funny."

I give a light chuckle and she notices the magazine on the counter, it was from when she carried me at Tommy's wedding.

"I never actually read this, just saw the cover," she smiles.

"Did you see the photos Tommy's wedding photographer took?" I asked and she shook her head, "I should probably ask him for those." She opens the magazine to find the page about us then the phone rings.

I get up and answer it, "Hello?"

"Hey Nikki it's Dylan, is Bella there?" He asks worried.

"Yeah she is, I brought her here last night," I sy.

"Oh I just got worried, she was here last night and didn't see her when I woke up, glad to know she's with you, alright bye." He hangs up.

She's still reading the magazine, the exact same section, which was really short. "You're a slow reader," I tease.

She gives me a death glare, "Nikki I'm dyslexic what do you expect me to do? Read this in 10 seconds?"

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