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LAST SHOW IN Japan. We leave tomorrow night.

At around 5pm I woke up to an alarm blaring in my ear. I snorted whatever substance was on my nightstand and left the hotel, only to realize it was smack. I wasn't sure how it got there, but it helped me feel better than I have been feeling.

I put on sunglasses to cover my eyes and stumbled to my dressing room. I got into my outfit and Tommy barges in as energetic as ever. "I have an idea."

"What's your idea T-bone?" I ask while putting on my pink highlighter.

"Tommy!" Someone calls him.

"Shit, I'll tell you later, but you'll love it," he laughs pointing at me then skips away, "Yeah? What's up?" He says to whoever called him.

The rest of that night was a blur. But now I'm pissing on a cop car. I start laughing letting my urine just spray everywhere, it was almost orange.

Then a second later I'm pinned to a cop car, getting words I don't understand ordered at me.

I was thrown in back of the car I had taken a leak on, they took me back to a station and I was hand cuffed to the desk. I got to make a call which I wasn't sure I would be able to seeing as I'm in a foreign country.

I decided to call Docs hotel room. He picked up, "Hey Doc, it's Nikki, look I got arrested."

"What the actual fuck," it wasn't Doc.

"Bella? Why are you in Docs room?" I asked her confused.

"I uh... had some important business to attend to, anyways, Doc isn't in here. Where are you?" I literally just said where I was.

"Well I got arrested," I said in a 'duh' tone.

"I know that, do you know what police station your at?" She asked, "there's a handful of them in one city."

"No. Nor do I speak Japanese so how do you expect me to ask?" I scoffed.

"Give someone near you the phone," she returned the favor with a cold attitude.


"You fucking heard me, give someone hear you the phone!" She raised her voice a bit and I just handed the officer near me the phone.

He started to speak to her then handed the phone back to me, "I'll be there soon," she says and hangs up.

Around 10 minutes later she showed up, I'm still confused to why she's bailing me out but if it helps, it helps.

"You're fucking lucky your famous otherwise you would have been stuck here forever," she scolds me.

She starts talking to the cop in Japanese which took me by surprise.

"Okay, we can go," she motions for me to get up, then, "wait!"

And she talks to the cop again, I look back and forth in confusion, as each person finishes a sentence. She looks at his computer and takes out the note pad she had a few days ago.

"Okay now we can go," she smiles and we walk out.

"SO WHY WERE you in Doc's room?" I just bailed him out of jail and this is what he asks me.

"I told you already," I roll my eyes.

"Is that how you got the job? You slept with him?" I clench my jaw.

"Go fuck yourself," I walk faster.

"I don't think Duff is going to like the idea of you fucking Doc," he can't let go can he.

"God fucking damnit Nikki I was just trying to get a ticket on the Ferry okay, I'm going to Okinawa, can you just fucking drop it. I went to his room but he ended up having to do something, because he's fucking Doc McGhee, and when you called I happened to be the only one in there to answer the phone!" I snapped, which I probably shouldn't have don't but I started to get pissed.

"Fucking relax," he scoffed, "I was joking," he catches up to me, "but when you say it like that~"

"Nicholas!" I usually like to use peoples "real names," when being mad, and I know his name isn't actually Nicholas, it's just funny.

"What?" We both laugh. "I didn't know you spoke Japanese."

"I thought I told you," I cross my arms, I can literally see my breath yet we're in the butt-fuck middle of July.

"Hmmm, no, but it was hot," he smirks.

"Yes I did, remember in your hotel room, the day after you overdosed and got hit with bats," I mention nervously, didn't know how else to specify the day. I'm ignoring his comment.

"Ohhh right," he pauses, "so how was your life going before tour?" Odd question, but I'll answer.

"You know, it was going, just me, Dylan and Duffin," I say proudly.

"Is that what you call him?" He snickers, "that's a horrible nickname."

"No not Duff, Duffin, my dog," I forgot he didn't know.

"Did you really name him after Duff?" We continued to make our way to the hotel.

"No, he was a birthday present and he had already named him after himself, so I just decided to roll with it, he says, and I quote 'it just fits him so well'" I chuckle.

"What are you gonna do in Okinawa?" He asks, I debated telling him, but I guess it's not a huge secret.

"Seeing my mom," I dropped my facial expressions, so did he.

"Bella, don't go chasing ghosts," he sighs disappointingly.

"I'm not, just going to go see her and have some much needed mother daughter time," I give a faint smile. I didn't know how to feel about what he said.

We made it to the hotel, "don't say I didn't warn you." And he walked away.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I mock him, "fucking asshole."

Just a little reminder, my mom got deported. So did my dad. My dad went back to El Salvador, my mom Japan. They were teen parents when they had my older sister and I. They never sent any letters, which they possibly could have done but I don't know how hard it was for them.
I went back into the bus and grabbed my purse, and was about to head out. It was pretty late at night, but kind of the only time I was able to.

Thanks to that police officer, I now knew where to locate Takao Yoko, AKA, my mother.

"You sure you don't want me to come along," Dylan worried, "I don't have to go inside."

"I'm sure, I got this alright. See you in a few hours," I smile and find a taxi. "Ferī de onegaishimasu" the ferry please.

I got to the boats and tried to buy a ticket to board the ferry. Only to find out the ride would be 25 hours long, just to get there. I didn't have the kind of time.

"You have to be kidding me," I complain.

"You need a ride?" An older man with an American accent asked me.

"Uhh, yes," I furrow an eyebrow.

"Come along," he moved his hand for me to follow him. I hesitate, "C'mon!"

I follow him to his car and he drives me to the airport. And led me onto the runway, "Is this even legal?" I ask with the wind thrashing my hair around.

"Hell If I know," he opens a garage, and reveals a small plane. Today feels like a fucking dream.
i know it got a bit cringy but i just felt like the cringe was needed. also woohoo 400 reads!

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