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NIKKI-"YOU GODDAMN whore," Bella says stomping inside, "I was with my grandma, then I get a fucking call from Doug saying I have to pick your asses up," she slams her hand on the table startling the officer, "you know how hard it was to explain to...

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"YOU GODDAMN whore," Bella says stomping inside, "I was with my grandma, then I get a fucking call from Doug saying I have to pick your asses up," she slams her hand on the table startling the officer, "you know how hard it was to explain to my grandma why I had to go? 'Izaberadesu why do you have to leave'" she quoted with an Japanese accent.

"What do you want from me? An apology?" I scoff, "all just because you couldn't spend time with your grammy?" I pout.

"Yeah, my grammy whose only contact I have with her is writing letters," she's about to break, and I could tell. I felt bad. She turns her head and starts talking to the officer.

"She's a fucking pistol," Doc says. Damn right she is.

"Write the apology," she says sternly.

"No," I shake my head.

"Nikki fucking Sixx," she gets in my face. "Whether you write it or not you're definitely gonna get fucked up so I recommend you write the goddamn letter."

"Fine," I use my uncuffed hand to grab the pen and paper. I start to write my apology to both Mick and the passenger. All words I didn't mean, it was Mick's fault anyway.

"See I knew getting you here was a good idea," Doc says, "I knew you'd get to him."

She gives Doc a glare saying she was about to kill him, "it was my idea asshole," I say, always taking credit.

I finished writing it and we all walked out she walked in front of us in a short black skirt, tights and a leather jacket. If Doc wasn't here right now I would just come up behind her and start roaming my hands around her body. I guess I could even with him there.

"You do realize this if the second time I've had to come here, just to bust your ass out of jail in another country right, actually in fucking Japan, what's with you getting arrested in Japan?" She throws her hands up upsettingly.

"You're right, I'm sorry Bella, we'll pay you some extra money," Doc says.

"It's not about the money," she says turning around, "I had to leave my grandmother, that's why I'm upset." She starts to tear up, "I swear if I had no sense of morality I would kick your ass."

"The least your dumbass could do is give me some empathy," she says through her tears.

I LAID IN BED upset. I only spent around 2 hours with my grandma before getting a call from Doug at her house, since I gave Dylan the number just in case of an emergency. One could say this is an emergency, but Doug sent me there alone. Which also pissed me off.

"You okay?" Dylan asks sitting on my bed.

"No," I say. My stomach has too much food in it to be okay.

"I'm sorry Nikki's such a dumbass," he gives me a poor smile.

"It's okay," I stare up at the ceiling. "I'm gonna go get a drink, I need to get drunk," I say grabbing my keys.

"Want me to come with?" He asks.

"I- I wanna be alone right now," I sigh. He understandingly nods. I'll be honest, I did need a drink. But I also needed to puke my sadness out, I had udon that my grandma made last night plus some Japanese hotcakes this morning and needed a release.

Lately I've been fucking it out but I don't really have anyone to do that with.

I pass through the halls and see a door that was propped open, and I heard some moans coming through there. But they weren't sexual moans.

They were sad moans, I peek my head through the door and see Nikki on the floor, he had barely any life left, "Nikki!" I freak out, I push all the scattered needles away from him.

"Bella?" He smiles.

"Nikki it's me," I hold him, "are you okay?" He falls asleep, "Nikki?" My hand pats his face, "Nikki please wake up."

"I'm awake, just needed to close my eyes," he says tiredly.

"Let's get you on the bed okay," I stand up and squat down so I can pick him up and carefully place him on the bed.

"Lay down with me," he says softly. I couldn't say no to him so I laid down.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks bundled up in blankets like a child watching a horror movie.

"Nikki, get some rest," I say apologetically.

"Is that a yes," He pouts.

"It's not a yes but it's not a no either," I say patting his head.


"Hm," I say in response.

"Will you make me a promise?" His voice was low but still soft.

"Anything," I let out a tight lipped smile. As of right now I probably wouldn't, I'm mad at him. He's broke me in so many ways, I have the right.

"Will you wait for me? For a day I'm not this fucked up?" He takes a deep breath, "I know I ditched you for Vanity, am an addict, cheated on you and all that but please."

"Sure," I wrap an arm around him, "just go to sleep for me okay?" I kiss his head. He soon fell asleep and the blanket fell off of him, his arms were so fucked up it was hard to look at. Purple and blue spots painted all over his forearms from shooting up.

I've known Nikki was fucked up, but I hadn't seen much of it lately, there was only one other time this tour where I saw it up close.


We were in Oakland, and the entirety of Crüe got on the jet, except Nikki. He was late, and honestly none of us knew how he got there in time.

"Why the fuck are you late?" Tommy yelled.

"I just was, stop overreacting," Nikki says pulling his shades up.

"What the fuck were you doing that made you this late?" Mick asked angrily. Nikki didn't answer.

"Show us your arms," Vince demands. Nikki lifted his sleeves up and sure enough, his arms were covered with fresh track marks. Sadness washed over me, "once this tour is over you're fucking out."

I was left in pure shock, out of the band? It wasn't even me but fuck that's scary. Everyone left the room except Nikki and I.

"What're you looking at?" He snarls.

I turn away from him and wipe my face with my sleeves to cover up the tears I had, "why're you crying?" There weren't many tears so I was able to pull off the...

"I'm not, just get ready Sixx, you have to be on stage soon," I walk away. Seeing Nikki like this always broke me, but there's nothing I can do for him if he doesn't want help.


I waited for Nikki to fall asleep, then slowly crept into his bathroom and turned the fan on. I took my fingers and started to gag myself but it was dry.

"Fuck," I mutter. Then noticed Nikki's stash on the counter, "this'll do the trick."

I used a piece of cloth Nikki had laid out and tied it around my arm, I did this once but no one taught me how to properly do it but this is what I assume you do.

I took the needle and eased it through my vein, and the side effects were immediate, it felt like a slow rush through my veins. Once it was in my system, while was very quick, I puked almost instantly. Everything slowed down, I stood up and laid down on Nikki's bed next to him.

This was a bad idea.
bro nikki's gonna be a grandpa, and brandi is gonna be a grandma.

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