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BELLA-DUFFIN AND I moved in pretty quickly, people still don't know Nikki and I are engaged, but we plan on telling people soon

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DUFFIN AND I moved in pretty quickly, people still don't know Nikki and I are engaged, but we plan on telling people soon.

"I need a new prescription," I tell Nikki looking at my Prozac.

"Why's that?" Nikki asks holding Duffin.

"Because, eating disorder and medication that gives you a loss of appetite don't mix well," I explain.

"That makes sense," Nikki nods, "wanna go for a drive?"

"Sure," I say, we walk out of house and Nikki unlocks the door to his Testarossa, we get in at the same time.

"Every goddamn time!" He complains, since the driver seat was on the right instead of the left I was in the drivers seat.

"Keys?" I give him a wide smile. Nikki side eyes me, "pleaaaseeee?"

"Fine, but don't crash her," he points at me.

"Oh I'm fucking this bitch up," I laugh and pull out of the drive way.

"No!" He laughs. We start to drive while Nikki just holds my hand.

"This is sick, and feels illegal," I say.

"Well you are driving a bit fast," Nikki exclaims while hanging onto the oh shit handles.

"First of all we're on the freeway," I chuckle, "second of all did you really buy a Ferrari to go the speed limit?"

"No," he looks at my speedometer, "shit you're only going 70?"


"Maybe I'm just scared you'll crash the car," he shrugs.

"I can go a bit faster," I press on the gas pedal a bit more just to freak Nikki out a bit.

"70 is okay," he says.

"This is really weird," I hum.

"What is?" He asks.

"We're on the 405, on a Sunday night, in fucking LA, and there's barely anyone on the road," I explain, "it's really weird."

"Maybe everyone's scared of your reckless driving," he teases.

"I am sober, going in a straight line, haven't even gotten remotely close to hitting anyone, we're fine," I laugh.
After the drive we went home and Nikki took the Harley, "your coming with me," he waved me over.

"To where?" I ask with a smile.

"Well first of all, you're getting us there," he laughs.

"What?" I flabbergastingly ask.

"I'll teach you how to ride it, come here," he motions me over to the bike, "you can drive stick right?"

"Yes Nikki I can drive stick," I tell him, "my car is manual."

"Great. That makes this process so much easier," he explains and I sit on the bike, "your transmission is down there at your left foot, your right hand is the throttle, and your left hand is the clutch," he pauses, "when you get into first gear your going to want to go down, but when shifting move your foot up, and when you down shift go down?"

I start the bike and he told me, "hold the clutch and put a little bit of gas, and your going to want to let go of the clutch slowly, remember to listen so you know?"

"When to shift," I say.

"See told you knowing stick makes this easier," he pats my shoulders, "I'm going to get on with you, you think you got it?"

"No," I hesitate.

"Okay let's go," he says anyway, "slowly let go of the clutch and get into first gear."

"Nikki I'm not sure if this is-"

"You can do it don't be a pussy," he teases, so I follow instructions.

"Holy shit I'm doing it!" I praise myself and Nikki laughs.

"You are!" He cheers.

The bike started to make a sound, "okay you have to-"

"Go into second gear!" I yell and shift.

"There you got it!" He says.
We ended up on top of a hill and had sex. It was great!

"Nikki, whose going to walk me down the aisle?" I asked while playing with his hair.

"Oh, well-"

Camera flashes popped up, "Nikki and Bella are you back together?"

"Uhh," we hop on the bike as the man chases us with his camera.

He stepped in front of us anyways, "dude get out of the fucking way!" Nikki says, I go around him and start to get home.

"Guess we just made our third, first debut," I chuckle and keep going.

Obviously since I was new to this, we avoided freeways, and eventually made it home.

"That was so fucking hot!" Nikki yells as we jumped through the door.

"Thank you," I say and pull him into a kiss, we made our way upstairs and I took a shower before getting dressed.

"It's pretty early for you to be sleeping," I said scrunching my hair.

"I need to pick Gunner up tomorrow morning, and pretty early too since Brandi has a shoot," he informs me. We got into bed a few moments later.

"I can always use a round two before going to sleep," Nikki says while moving his hand up my shirt.

"Say less."

AFTER HAVING sex, Bella passed out, and so did I. We were beat.

My alarm went off and it was six in the goddamn morning. Bella slept through it like a baby. I went down stairs and made some coffee.

Then someone came knocking on my door, "goddamnit why!" I curse and make my way to the door.

It was Tommy, "I don't know what I'm going to do with myself anymore!" He complains.

"Tommy why are you-"

"All she wants is kids! Kids kids kids!" he continues.

"Dude now's not a good time," I say nervously.

"I just don't know why, this early into our marriage too!"

"T-bone I have to go pick up my kid," I bite my nails nervously.

"I know we got married early, like 4 days after meeting but I think this is moving way too fucking fast for my liking, I mean Heather moved on but and so have I but KIDS!" He keeps going and going as I put creamer in my coffee.

"Wasn't part of the reason you and Heather got divorced was because she didn't want to have kids?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." he takes a second to think, "yes but also kids are ALL Pam is focused on, and it's just ughhh."

"Damn, I really suggest telling her," I say while patting his back.

"I can't do that she'll go batshit cra-" he gets stopped.

"Hey babe I need to-" Bella comes in, her hair bounces off her shoulders and she stopped in her tracks.

you guys ever think about certain musicians meeting each other from different eras?

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