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BELLA-WE ARE A FEW days into tour

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WE ARE A FEW days into tour. "We're Mötley Crüe! We'll fucking see y'all later!" Vince screams into the mic.

I got invited to go out but needed to find an outfit. I dig through my clothes.

"Fuck, I have nothing to wear," I complain, "I should just stay here."

"No!" Dylan, Spidey and Tim all yell in unison.

"You haven't gone out with us in forever, your coming with," Dylan orders.

The truth is I didn't come with them because I was hung up on the fact that when I called Duff it only lasts two seconds.


"Hey babe, I just finished a show," I say to Duff through the phone.

"Hey, how was it?" He asks.

"It went well," I smile for a sec, "how are rehearsals going?"

"Good, but I gotta go, talk to you later, love you, bye," he said very fast.

"Love you too," but he already hung up.


I promised to call everyday after a show, but I barely get to talk to him.

"I have nothing to wear," I say, "at least appropriate for this occasion." I slouch on the table.

I dig through my bag once more, I found leather pants and a top that was also leather, but it was tied together in the front, similar to a corset.

"Perfect," I change in my bunk. And no it's not comfortable.

I get nervous when wearing clothes like this, I noticed a lot of my clothes especially ones I don't wear often started to get too big on me, it's disappointing. I really like this outfit so crossing my fingers.

I change and the pants fit fine but I'm nervous about the top. I slip onto it and tighten the front, I remembered this shirt used to be too small for me in the first place. I get out of my bunk and grab a jacket, now this is good.

I do my makeup, just a lip tint, some eyeliner, a and a little bit of blush. "Okay Ready," I say.

"Finally," Spidey rolls his eyes and we head to the strip club. Where Crüe already is.

"What's up!" Tommy yells at the top of his lungs. He buys a round of drinks for everyone, I just get a shot of tequila.

After a few drinks I was a bit tipsy, I don't usually get drunk easily but bulimia makes you a lightweight. It's a good and bad thing.

I then saw someone check in, he was wearing a white button up, and a vest with dress pants, a bartender. Then remembered I'm in fucking Philadelphia. Ian?!?!

I went to the bar where he was, "Ian!"

"Bella?" His eyes light up, "long time no see!"

"Yeah, how've you been?" I smile, this is only my second time meeting him but he was entertaining to talk to.

Just as a refresher, in 1984, we went to this exact place. Nikki and I were sneaking off with one another, but I caught feelings. He was about to buy a lap dance but when he saw me stopped. Then got mad at me for talking to this bartender, whom I was having a friendly conversation with.

"I've been good, still here," he seems tired of this place, "what about you?"

"I've been good as well, on tour again," he makes me a Jack and Coke just like he did a year ago and pushes it to me, "thanks."

"No problem," he grabs a glass, "so how's tour?"

"Tour is alright, sucks to have be long distance but it's fine," I take a sip of my drink.

"Isn't your boyfriend back there?" What? I turn around, oh.

"No, not Nikki," I shake my head. I finish my drink, very fast and it starts to kick in. "Do you think everyone sees colors the same?"

"What do you mean?"

"Because there's color blind people, and maybe in that case everyone might see red and green different. But we trick ourselves into thinking that blue is actually orange," everything slows down a bit but I'm like fine.

"I forgot you were a philosophical drunk," he laughs.

I LOOK THROUGH my wallet and throw a couple of ones at a stripper on the pole. And she lifts her bikini, gotta tip em good, I then proceed to do a bump.

"God I fucking love strippers!" I yell, "hey baby, come here!"

She crawls into my lap, "what do you need rockstar?" She twirls her hair.

"What's your name?" I scream over the cheers from the group of guys around me. Everyone seems to be pre occupied.

"Buy a dance and maybe I'll tell you," I pull out a 20 and she starts to grind on me. She whips her head around and smiles. Maybe I'll take her on the bus with me.

I look to my right and the smile is wiped off my face. That guy again. I know she has a boyfriend and means no harm talking to him but he just feels a bit threatening. At least to me, he was flirting with my girl last year, I have the right to be pissed.

She gets off of me, also never told me her name, a bit disappointed. I walk to the bar, "Jack and Coke."

"You wanna open a tab?" He shakes a bit, Bella hides her face of embarrassment.

"Sure." I turn to Bella, "I don't think Duff likes the idea of you flirting with Ethan."

"First of all his names Ian, second of all fuck off," she's pretty drunk, he returns with my drink.

"Are you an addict?" I ask.

"Excuse me?" She puts her hand up to her chest.

"You heard me," I can't really say shit, but I will anyway.

"You know I don't do drugs like that," she puts a cup to her lips. I always knew she would fuck around here and there, but she wasn't dependent on anything.

"The mark on your arm and the immense weight loss say otherwise," I cock an eyebrow.

"What happened to not mentioning peoples weight?" She struggles to keep her eyes open but is still acting normal, she's definitely not high, just drunk.

"You wanna roll up your sleeves," I cockily smile.

She hesitates but does it anyway, "I got my blood drawn," I guess it's believable.

"So are there any drinks that won't make you give me a head ache, you ask too many questions," Ian comes back with my drink, "like they're interesting but I don't like the way they make me think." You give me a headache.

"Bourbon," she takes a swig of her drink, "I get weirdly good at pole dancing when drinking bourbon," I'd have to see that one day.

IT'S BEEN FOUR days since Philadelphia. I've kind of been avoiding Nikki, how did he even know about my arm anyway?

I still haven't don't smack since, it wasn't hard not too. It was a two time thing. Tonight we have an afterparty, and we're in NYC. I went out to lunch with Dylan and after decided to go shopping on my own so I could find something to wear.

I was trying on dresses left and right, nothing, absolutely nothing.

hey guys i really like the plot of this story but hate how i wrote it so if you could pls leave some tips PLEASE S DO.

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