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BELLA-NIKKI COMES home in a few days and I am beyond ecstatic

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NIKKI COMES home in a few days and I am beyond ecstatic.

"I still can't believe the tour got cancelled," Dylan says while we wrap some cords, "I do get why though."

"Yeah, but it's definitely good, for their health and hopefully the band. They do plan on making some more albums so maybe this is what they need," lately I have been so bored. My routine is the same thing every day, I'm practically on autopilot. It's gotten to the point where my work hours are consistent too.

5:00am: wake up, feed the dogs, walk them then get ready for work.

6:30am: make some coffee and head to work.

7:00am: clock in and start working.

1:30pm: lunch with Dylan, usually on the roof since it's quiet up there, if we're at the Panteges, but if we're at the House of Blues then we just eat over the balcony.

4:00pm: head home, then feed and walk the dogs. Then go to Nikki's place and start getting rid of stuff he told me to get rid of. If I have a meeting I'll go at around 4:30.

Now that I think about it, we don't even have a place together yet.

7:30pm: go back home, take a shower and make dinner

8:00pm: watch something and eat food.

10:00pm: masturbate, sleep.


"You have plans Friday?" Dylan asks as we migrate up to the catwalk to replace the old melted gels.

"Picking Nikki up," I smile out of excitement. I'm so happy he's getting clean, and that I'm recovering from my eating disorder, things should be better this time.

"Oh great, Athena's excited for Tommy to be clean too," he adds on, "she says she hopes he's less of an asshole."

I chuckle in response, Tommy's always been nice to me. But maybe him and Athena just have a different relationship.
Once I got home I just changed and plopped on the couch. Didn't bother to do anything, I was just tired.

The TV ran for a bit, The Joy of Painting. What could I do if I could paint that well? My artistic talents lie in other places. If I could paint would my life still be the same? That's a fucking stupid question, of course it would, the only difference would be that I could paint.

Every time I watch Bob Ross paint all I fell is envy but also comfort. It's a bit weird. After being caught up in my thoughts I drifted off to sleep.

BELLA PICKS me up soon. I'm excited to see how everything will go now that we'll be out in the open.

"This is it dudes, today is the day," Tommy says shaking my shoulders.

"I know, but we still have a few hours, I want out now," Mick groans.

Heather, Emi, Sharise and Bella should all pick us up at once. They wanna go to Mick's house to celebrate.

"One last shitty meal," Mick says struggling to get up.

"If humans had a third arm where would it be?" I ask as we head over to the eating area.

"Is Bella getting to you that much?" Vince knocks on my head with a chuckle

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrow.

"She's always asking questions that you can never answer, it's like having Socrates follow you around everywhere," Mick adds in.

"You know who Socrates is?" I ask following it with a laugh.

"Of course I know who Socrates is, wanna know why?" Mick bugs his eyes out.

"Why?" I cock an eyebrow.

"Because of Bella," he walks ahead of us, "no hate, she's really informative."
We're packed up, I'm pretty sure the girls are all outside.

"Fuck I can't believe it," Tommy sighs as we walk through the doors. I look at my small room one more time.

"Let's get out of here," I say with a big smile appearing on my face. We walked through the first door into the waiting area, the four girls were all leaning against Emi's car, not noticing us yet.

We get through the large glass doors and Bella turns her head then makes eye contact with me and it's like we're the only two people in the world. The smile on her face was precious, she ran up to me, I dropped my bags and hugged her. Sometimes her strength flies over my head because instead of me lifting her, my feet were a whole foot away from the ground.

She lets me down, "I missed you so much," she happily sobs.

"I missed you too," we pulled away and I kissed her forehead.

"We're going to Mick and Emi's right?" Vince asks opening the car door.

"Yes," Emi says.

We all get into our cars, Bella sits in the drivers seat. "You ready to go?" She asks about to put the keys in the ignition but I stop her.

She gives me a confused look and I crash my lips against hers, she moves along with me as she's pressed against the window now.

My hand was still pinning her wrist and my other was moving between her legs, "Nikki-" she say's through a moan. I start kissing down her neck.

"Nik-" she says again.

"Yes?" I continue to kiss her, moving lower each time until I was between her breast's.

"We really should get going," she chuckles.

"You're right," I say already having a hard on.

She drove us back to her place first so I can see the dogs and we went to Micks house. Nothing much happened. We kind of just chilled and now we're at my place.

"Doc scheduled us an open house," she starts "tomorrow, I saw the place and really liked it but haven't seen the inside." She stays focused on the road.

"I can't wait to move in with you," I tell her.

"I can't either, plus the dogs would love it," she holds my hand as "My Kinda Lover" starts playing. Every time I hear this song it's when we're together, I swear to god. It's either that or Vince's old shitty ass cover band.

She pulled into my house and I open the door for her, "Wanna have reunion sex in return for earlier?" She asks with a wide smile.

"Oh of course," I pick her up from her thighs and carry her into our room.
half way through the heroin diaries, shit is crazy.

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