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BELLA-WE ARE IN the butt fuck middle of the last show before we go on break

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WE ARE IN the butt fuck middle of the last show before we go on break. GNR just went up, and now Mötley Crüe.

The show was as amazing as always, they even covered 'Highway to Hell' which was pretty awesome, "Just think about it Mick, one more leg then you get your guitar tech back," I say packing his guitars into cases.

"It's pretty awesome," he says while holding Emi's hand.

"You two got plans for Christmas or New Years?" I ask looking at the happy couple.

"We're just gonna stay in, let my kids meet her," Mick turns his head and smiles at her. They're so cute.

"Jeez you're kids?" Nikki walks in scoffing at them. Everyone is still pissed at Mick about breaking that one rule about "not dating people they work with." Nikki gets closer to me and whispers in my ear, "can you ride the jet with me on the way home?"

He pulls away, "why?" I smile.

"Because, I want you to," he says, "can't want to spend time with you?" I roll my eyes.

"I never said that," I exaggerate, "is it okay with everyone else?"

"I don't know, nor do I care, so you coming with me or not?" He looks down at me, as much as I want to think of this as a "moment" he's so pale it's hard to.

"Can I bring Dylan?" My face lights up hoping it will convince him.

"Why not," he sighs.

"Oh yay, thank you," I say.

"No problem," he walks out and I can already feel what's about to happen.

"What's going on with you two?" Emi asks eagerly.

"Nothing," I go back to messing with amp settings, "he needs to get clean." I change the subject.

"He does but it's easier said than done," Mick adds in.

"He's gone to rehab right? But that really doesn't work unless he wants it to work," I shake my head, "when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning," Emi says, "you doing anything for Christmas?"

"Probably go watch a movie with Dylan, that's what we usually do," I rub my eyes, I'm so exhausted, "But I'm so out of touch these days I don't even know what's coming out."

"I think there's a new movie out," Mick snaps his fingers out of frustration, "Full Metal Jacket."

"Hasn't that been out for awhile?" I hummed.

"No, it came out Friday," Emi tilted her head.

"Hm, maybe I just saw trailers." I say and follow it with a yawn.
What I miss the last about not being home is my bed, sure we all get used to sleeping in the bunks in a moving vehicle. But there's nothing like being in your own bed. With your own dog too. God I miss Duffin.

"So Nikki just asked you to go on the plane with him?" Dylan asked as we packed our clothes.

"Basically," I shrug, "don't know why."

"Maybe because he likes you," he shakes his shoulders, "but he's an asshole so don't don't get back with him."

Although I was hoping Dylan still had the hope he did before Nikki and I were together. He was right. Nikki was a cock sucking prick.

"I won't, let's get going," I wave him over.

Mick picked us up so he can show us where to go. Why wasn't Nikki picking us up?

"I feel very sorry for you two," Mick scoffs opening the door for us.

"Thanks for the enthusiasm," I pat his shoulder.

"No problem," he jomkingly shrugs.

When we arrived it was like a scene out of a movie, the wind blowing my hair around like a wind turbine. If only I had a hat to really top it off.

I walked up the stairs leading into a plane, it had a girl on the front and said World Tour 87/88.

Once I stepped inside the warm air took us in, it was relaxing, "Dude did you guys match on purpose?" Tommy asks with his mouth wide open.

"Did who match on purpose?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"You and Sixx," He points to his right

"What?" I say confused, then my eyes wander to Nikki, whose literally matching me head to toe.

We both have on a denim jacket, black jeans, the same white shoes, and even our fucking sunglasses match.

"I call not changing," I blurt out.

"I'm not either," he shakes his head.

"It's not a big deal, you're matching, it's cute or whatever, leave it," Mick shakes his head and scoffs.

DYLAN INSISTED Bella and I took a picture of our matching outfits.

She sat with Emi, Donna, Mick and Dylan with a small book in her hand. They all looked at whatever was on the page. I wanted to go and sit next to her just to talk but Mick was there, we still weren't on the same page.

Fuck it.

The flight attendant came around with things, Bella got some Gin, I got blow, you can guess the rest. The straw went up my nose and the drugs into my bloodstream, so I stood up and slid in next to Bella.

"What're you all looking at?" I try to peek into her journal but she moved it over.

"She's making a list of things to get people for Christmas, and showing us her quote book," Dylan says.

"You getting me anything?" A smirk crept onto my face.

"Maybe, maybe not?" She closes her eyes and shows off her intensely cute smile.

"Hmmmm, okay, what's a quote book?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Just a list of quotes I put in from conversations, I've had one since high school," she smiles. She shows me some of the quotes and I see what she plans on buying.

new camera
girls, girls, girls
tickets for into the woods
chew toys

It went on and on. Then I read the quotes under the list.

"hey that looks like your cousin"
"you're really fuckin it up on that toilet"
"god your boobs look huge"

Those were all in separate spots but you get my point. This girl literally had a list of things people said that caught her eye, or were funny.

I caught a glimpse of her sleeve slightly rolling up, and there was a mark on her forearm. The denim quickly covered it up when her arm shifted.

What the hell did she do?
filler but it'll get interesting, i promise. also the bassline in danger is so good!

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