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it's his birthday so might as well use a pic of him

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it's his birthday so might as well use a pic of him. happy birthday vince!
I BEGAN TO help Dylan get rid of some old stuff while the TV was on. "Wait wait dude stop," I tell Dylan whose packing tape is louder than a sonic boom.

Mötley had an interview on MTV which was why I had the TV on. We watch as the guys appear on the screen.

"Today we're here with the one only Mötley Crüe!"

They all wave toward that camera which zooms in on them then widens out to show the whole set. "Welcome!" The women interviewing them says with excitement.

"You guys have all came back from tour around a month ago, are you guys coming out with new material soon?"

"Well we haven't started working on it but will have an album coming later on," Nikki sits down with his legs crossed.

A few questions later and the relationship ones came up, "Tommy your a newly married man, how is that?"

"You know, it's great, I love Heather," he laughs.

"Yeah she's great," Mick says.

"Yep, a very kind an beautiful woman," Nikki says, awh that's sweet.

"Vince you've been with who?"

"Sharise Ruddell, she's my fiancé, we've been together since last year," he smiles while very visibly chewing gum.

Since when are they engaged? I think I caught a glimpse of the ring at Heathers party but never thought much of it.

"When's the wedding?" The interviewer asks intrigued.

"Haven't thought about it that much," he fixed his hat.

"Well congratulations to you and Tommy," She clasps her hands together, "And Nikki you have a girlfriend, you two were seen together at the Pantages not too long ago."

"Oh yeah, Bella," he smiles.

"How long have you two been together?"

"A few weeks now, but we met in 83' and went on tour in 84' which was how I got to know her," he looks so fucking sexy, sometimes I just want to grab him and-

"Did you meet her and take her on the bus?" She asked so nonchalantly but left me in shock.

Nikki just chuckled, "no no, she stage managed, she also stage managed our recent tour along with our friend Dylan, he was the assistant stage manager."

"Since most of you have been getting into relationships what does this say about Mötley Crüe's image of Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll?"

I could see the uneasiness Nikki felt, he didn't make it obvious but I just knew it. "We'll always be Mötley Crüe, nothings changed,"Mick takes over.

"That's nice to know, Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be back after a short commercial break!"

We flick the TV off. "Why does everyone just assume you're a groupie?" Dylan asks resuming to cutting up some old debit cards.

"I don't know, kinda just used to it," I shrug it off, "It is kinda weird, any girl who dates a rockstar is just seen as a groupie," I start to think about Nikki's reaction to her question. What was it about?

"Can I ask you something?" Dylan snaps me out of my thoughts and I start sorting his stuff out again.

"Sure," I continue.

"Have you heard anything about my dad?" And now that I think about it, I haven't. I don't know what happened to him after I reported him to the police.

"No, have you?" I really hope he has, he doesn't deserve to be out there.

"No, last I talked to my mom she said she kicked him out, she was pretty pissed," he stops for a second and I can't respond, it's like I'm choking on my words, "she loves you, you know, my mom, she'd do anything to protect you."

And all of a sudden I start crying, Dylan engulfs me in a hug, "hey what's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm just so glad I have everyone by my side," I sniffle. I am grateful for everyone, especially when I'm recovering from an eating disorder and trying to forget about the events that occurred with Ryan.


Dylan and I sat together at the table and were eating together, we had some curry that I made, "Okay but if Donnie from our eighth grade english class-"

"Had a kid with Rebecca from our freshman year!" He finishes my sentance, "I swear I always thought Izzy looked like that!" We're referring to Izzy Stradlin.

"Right I have too, I swear it's like we're on the same brain wave," I put my fingers on each side of my head.

"FUCK, FINALLY IT'S over" Vince slouches on a chair in our dressing room and takes his hat off.

"I fucking hate MTV interviews," Mick says.

"Hey Sixx," I turn to Tommy, "why'd you stall when she asked about ruining our image?"

"No reason, just didn't know how to respond," I rub the back of my neck.

I honestly started to worry about it, will me being in love make me all soft. Will I still be the person I have been for the past decade?

Of course I would, I'm Nikki fucking Sixx.

"I don't know about you guys but I need a fucking drink," Vince groans.

"I could too," Mick agrees, "let's go."
I've been at this bar for a good amount of time. I'm fucked up, barely holding myself up. I feel great.

"Hey," this woman with dark brown hair comes up to me.

"Hey," I respond and continue to drink out of bottle of Jack.

"I'm Brie," she pushes her hand out which I ignore.


"I know who you are," she twirls her hair in her finger.

"I get that a lot," I avoid looking at her hoping she gets the hint.

I can't remember what happened next but now I'm in a bathroom with my lips pressed against hers. I push her off remembering I was in a relationship.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I walked out. Did she force me into that, did I play along?

I walked out to go find the rest of the guys, "hey T-bone."

"What's up dude?" He looks at me drunkly.

"You know what happened with me and that chick?" I still have some alcohol in my system.

"What chick?" Fuck.

"Vince" I see him talking to some blonde girl.


"Did you see anything that happened? Between me and that chick," he looks around. "Oh shit yeah, she pulled you into the bathroom like 10 minutes ago, you didn't look too happy."

I guess that's a good sign, I didn't cheat right. Fuck did I? Vince isn't the most reliable source.
sorry the chapters are boring, i've been so busy i feel like my creative juices aren't juicing.

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