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BELLA-WE HAVE about a month left of the American Leg

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WE HAVE about a month left of the American Leg. We're spending Halloween on tour which is disappointing.

We're on our way from Milwaukee to Chicago. These past few months have felt weird, we've traveled to a lot of cool places and even went to Canada. I was worried about getting deported of course, but it was awesome.

I am reading my book, and then we arrive. We unload all our shit and now I am setting some lights up. As I'm in the scissor lift Tommy and Vince decide to bombard me with questions,

"Why are you always wearing dickies?" Vince asks.

"Because they're work pants," I start twisting a nut.

"But they're so baggy, like why not something that seams into your ass," Tommy asks pretending to be frustrated.

"Well pants that seam into my ass aren't comfortable to work in, plus these cargo pants come with 50 pockets, perfect to keep my knives in."

It's true, three main things to always have as a tech, a flashlight, screwdriver, and a knife.

"What happens if I wiggle this thing?" Tommy asks.

"Tommy, can you please not let your intrusive thoughts take over," I say genuinely nervous, it's not something he wouldn't do.

"Fine fine," he backs away, "I wouldn't do that your far too scary." Wow, I'm scary.

After yet another insane show, I find a pay phone back stage and call Duff. He answers, "Hey Duff, are you busy?" I ask, you never know these days.

"I am, I'm so sorry babe, just trying to get this song down. Rehearsals are driving me crazy," He sounds like he's complaining.

"Oh, well can you stay on call for a little bit?" I ask hoping he could.

"Babe, right now isn't a good time. But I'll try tomorrow, love you bye." The line goes dead before I could say anything.

I will admit, not every call is like this. Sometimes it lasts at least 10 minutes but most times it's just like this.

I started to worry about him, so I decided to call Slash at work. It's work but I'm just worried.

I put another quarter in and dial the number. "How may I help you?"

"Slash thank god you picked up," I look around even though I'm in a random dead room backstage.

"Oh Hi what's up?" Slash is probably one of the only members of GNR I got close-ish to.

"Hey, has Duff been acting weird at all?" Right as I said that Nikki walks in with a girl, things have kind of been awkward since New York.

"Uhhh, no? Why?"

"He's just been acting weird, most of the time I call him he either doesn't pick up, or says he's busy with rehearsal, or the album, songwriting," I rant, hoping Nikki didn't hear anything. But he's pretty out of it so don't know how much of this he's understanding.

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