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BELLA-TWO MONTHS LATER and it's wedding time

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TWO MONTHS LATER and it's wedding time. Well for Tommy, I started to get ready and when I was changing I just looked at the my tattoo on my arm, my skin was getting so loose that it looked ruined.

The tattoo I never mentioned I had was a sun with a moon inside. It's basic but it's cute. Or it was cute.

I put on a blue long sleeve dress along with white heels. "You ready?" Dylan asks buttoning up his shirt.

"Yeah," I say, "you cleaned up nice."

"Why thank you," he says surprised, I could smell the after shave from where I was standing. He also got a trim, but his hair was still just above shoulder length.

We went to go drop Duffin off at Monica's dads house. I paid her to dog sit and gave her some dog food, "are you sure your dad is okay with this?" I ask skeptical to if she even asked him.

"Pfft he'll live," she says, "plus I need the money."

"Fair enough," I say, "I should be back tonight pretty late, but don't worry he's potty trained, you should only have to feed him once."

"Okay okay! Got it, he'll be fine with me, I have plenty experience with dogs," I give her a you're lying look. "Whatever, now go leave, don't be late to Tommy Lee's wedding."

Now to go pick up Athena.

"DUDE YOU cannot be doing this on my fucking wedding day," Tommy complains. I have a beer in my hand, I shot up 10 minutes ago.

"Fuck you Tommy," I burp.

"You're going to embarrass Heather and her whole fucking family," he looks at me dead in the eye, full of anger, "do I need to get a new best man?"

He looks around, "don't look at me," Vince says.

"I'll do it drummer," Mick stands up.

"Look man I already have the rings, let's just get this done with," he rolls his eyes and walks out.

"Shooting up at my fucking wedding!" He yells dramatically.

The guys follow him and I trip over a glass table, "fuck!"

I'm sober, if I believe I'm sober it'll eventually happen.

This hotel is fancy, a lot of glass chandeliers and marble floors. Before the ceremony starts we line up and I lock arms with some blonde Hollywood chick.

We walk down the aisle and I try to listen to what's going on, it all went so fast yet so slow at the same time. "Now may I see the rings?"

The rings, fuck. My pocket.

I dug them out of my pocket and handed them the officiant. They exchange their vows.

"Does anyone object? Speak now or forever hold your peace," no one says anything, "I now pronounce you husband and wife."

I OBSERVED THE ceremony, Nikki is really trying his best to be there but I can tell he's so high it almost broke me. What made it worse was the picture they all took, his eyes were bugged out and his smile was awfully big.

"Congratulations you two," I give Tommy and Heather a hug.

"Thank you," they say in unison. Just to not seem rude I ate some food, it was delicious.

I sat with Dylan and Athena, along with Tommy's parents. They were nice people, although Dylan was terrified. The venue was beautiful, it was a nice hotel, on nice bright green grass, looking over the ocean. Okay Tommy I see you!

Every time I looked toward Nikki I found it precious that he was trying to look sober, he wasn't doing very great though.

What really gave everything away was his speech, he sounded sloppy and drunk, had a glass of champagne in his hand to top it off, weird, and couldn't keep his eyes open.

Once he got off the stage he fell then and got up, he made his way over to the bar, grabbed a drink then started stumbling again.

"Dylan," I say trying to get his attention, he looks at me. "Will you be fine picking up Duffin for me tonight?"

"Yeah, why?" I get up and start my walking to Nikki, I finally get to him, and swoop him off his feet to carry him bridal style. Still in heels, no one really noticed besides Tommy.

"My knight in shining armor," Nikki slurs while laughing.

"Wait photographer!" Tommy called over laughing, "get a picture of this!" The photographer comes over and takes a picture.

"Tommy," I say disappointingly because we both know it's not funny, I could tell he was also pissed, but I guess seeing a girl carrying a 6ft man can be a bit funny to see "I'll get him out of your hair alright."

"Bella," Mick approaches me as I start walking not knowing where to go. "You need any help?"

"Yeah, can you take my heels and just open some doors for me, please," he nods.

"Yeah, I'll show you to our room," he takes my heels off for me leaving me barefoot. He opens the door back into the hotel and the elevator.

"You sure you got him," Mick asks, "he seems... heavy." The entire time I had been carrying him he was just limp, he didn't even try to fight his way out of my arms, and he had a smile on his face, must have been the alcohol that was also in his system.

"Don't worry about it," I smile, the elevator dings and we got into the hotel room. It had a large couch and multiple bedrooms.

"You need anything else?" God he's being nice.

"No, go on and enjoy the wedding," I flash a smile.

"Good luck with that," he laughs and makes an exit.

"Bella," Nikki calls my name.

"Yes?" I turn.

"Can you stay with me?" He looks at me with natural looking puppy eyes.

"I wasn't planning on leaving," I say softly.

"I need help getting my clothes off," he doesn't smirk, or anything. Just genuinely needed help.

"Okay," I sigh, "are you wearing underwear?" He nods softly, he looked so vulnerable, and soft. I really hoped I had reached his soft spot.

I untie his tie, he took his jacket off and I unbuttoned his shirt and pants, he shimmied out his pants and I helped him put on a shirt that was left on the bed.

"Can I use your phone?" I point towards it, he nods, then I call Monica.

"Hey, Dylan is going to pick Duffin up," I tell her.

"Okay, he's pretty evil anyway, he tried chew on my dads sock," causing me to laugh a little.

"Thanks for watching him." We hang up.

"Sorry for keeping you up, just try to rest," I run my fingers through his hair.

I walk toward the door, "where are you going?"

"I have to use the bathroom," I was literally using the one he had in his room.

"Okay." I go in there and turn the fan on to drown out noise. I start to just cry, I just wish he would accept help. I lean down towards the toilet bowl, and everything I ate now being forced out of my throat.

Suddenly theres a loud noise, "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"
what do you guys think happened? also the bathroom at my work caught on fire, no one knew what to do lmao.

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