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little appreciation for baby girl mick bc it's his birthday

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little appreciation for baby girl mick bc it's his birthday.
"YOU FUCKING psycho!" Ryan screamed.

"I'm sorry!" I grabbed the phone in the elevator and called someone, "I need help! This man was stabbed"

He still was trying to get close to me but luckily the police came "It was self-defense!" I hold my hands up, "check the cameras!"

Behind them were a large portion of people staying at the hotel and some wedding guests, Dylan looked horrified.

"I'm sorry I ruined your wedding," a tear slips from my eyes, "I didn't mean to."

"You didn't do anything, it was his fault," he gives me a huge hug and Athena joins in.

"Don't blame this on yourself, that man is disgusting," Athena rubs my arm, "I'm sorry babe but I hate your dad."

"I do too," he scoffs.

"Isabella Mejia," a police officer says, "you're under arrest for assaulting Ryan Marshall." He puts my hands behind my back, my mouth was wide open and so was everybody else's as the police officer recited the Miranda Warning.

They pulled me outside and Nikki stood there looking at me asking what did you do? As they stuck me in the back of the police car and drove me to the police station.
"I need you to tell me what happened," the police officer asked.

"He tried to rape me, so I defended myself," I explained, still in my dress.

"Ms.Mejia I understand that he has in the past-"

"Why don't you believe me? Check the cameras!" I cried.

They each looked at each other and nodded, "we'll go back to the hotel and check," they lead me to a cell and Dylan was standing in front of the desk.

"Dylan do not bail me out!" I yell.


"No, I'm gonna stay until they release me!" I get pushed into the cell and see a familiar face.

"Fancy seeing you here," she scoffs, Vanity.

"Have we ever even had a full conversation?" I chuckle and sit down next to her.

"No, I have nothing to say to you," she rolls her eyes.

"Look, I'm not with Nikki anymore, neither are you, so for the sake of being stuck in here can we just try to get along," I put my hand out for her to shake and she takes it.

"What happened to you, you look like a mess," she asks.

"My friends dad tried to rape me at his wedding and then I stabbed in," I sit down.


"You?" I look at her.

"Trespassing, not as cool of a reason," she laughs.

"Are you clean now?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Getting there, it's been hard though," she smiles, "just have to let god take me to where I'm supposed to be."
"Mejia, we looked at the tapes, you're good," he opens the door.

"Really?" My face lights up.

"Yep!" He pops the p.

"Thank you!" I smile.

"This isn't really a thanking situation," he says.

The next thing Vanity did threw me off, she hugged me, for a second I stood there frozen. Then hugged her back, "I'm really sorry for everything I did to you all those years ago," she apologizes.

"It's okay."

They gave me my stuff back, "do I get my knife back?" I ask.

"No," the lady says.

"Fuck," I slip my heels on and walk outside realizing I don't know where to go so I went to a local Dennys trying to figure out who to call.

And I am not ruining Dylans day any more so I called the newly licensed Monica.

She pulled up, I grabbed my heels and sat in the passenger seat, "you have a lot of explaining to do," she says and pulls out of the parking lot.

"I don't know if I should tell you this story," I adjust my seat, "whoever sat in here last has horrible posture."

"My dad," she hums.

"Makes sense," I wince.

"You look like shit," Monica comments.

"Thank you," I wipe my forehead, "I need to call Dylan when I get home, I need Duffin."

"Can I ask you something?" She stops at a red light.

"Sure," I close my eyes.

"Why have you lost so much weight? Because ever since you miscarried you've looked like a stick" I may have forgotten to tell you, but not everyone knows I had to abort the baby. "And you always get on me about embracing my hair or whatever but yours got all thin."

"Just lost weight, needed a new look," I explain.
She dropped me off at my apartment and Dylan came over with Duffin. Then I realized I hadn't played my answering machine in awhile.

"His Isabella, this is Mary from the MTV, we saw your application to stage manage the MTV Music Awards please call me back when you can," Mary said through the phone. Immediately, I picked up my phone and called her back.

The phone rang for what seemed like forever until it was picked up, "Hi, this is Isabella Mejia, I received your call regarding the stage managing position."

"Oh yes, hi Isabella, we've accepted your position and want you to come in soon so we can look for a crew," she says happily.

"Okay thank you so much!" I smile.

She gave me some additional information and when she hung up I squealed, "can you believe it!" I ask Duffin who looks clueless, "I'm stage managing the MTV Music Awards holy fuck this is going to be on TV!"

"GOD YOU HAVE a thing for psychos!" Donna says as we get into the house.

"How?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean how, she just stabbed someone," Donna chuckles.

"I mean he did rape her a few years back, he probably tried again, who knows," I defend and start unbuttoning my shirt.

"Why are you defending her? What do you still have a thing for her or something?" Donna stands up straight.

"No!" I raise my voice, "all I'm saying is that she had a reason to, that man has assaulted multiple women."

"What is wrong with you?" she drags, "I swear I can't just have you to myself, you always have to go out and fuck another chick, I'm tired of it! You know what, get out!"

She pushes me out of the house. After knocking over and over again my knuckles were in pain so I just gave up. Until I remembered. This is my fucking house.

"Let me in you bitch!"
doing a project on rock and metal and my teacher actually recommended i talk about groupies.

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