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NIKKI 1991smut-RIGHT NOW we're finishing up Decade of Decadance

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NIKKI 1991
RIGHT NOW we're finishing up Decade of Decadance. Bella is back to working, Storm is a few months older and has a nanny for when we both have to work.

"So what exactly is happening Saturday night?" Vince asks.

"We're having everyone whose going to be in the wedding and kinda just announcing what they'll be," I explain.

"What are the colors?" Mick asks.

"That's a great question," I say.

As you can tell we don't exactly have everything planned.

"You better get that done with," Tommy chuckles.

"We have the location and everything else booked, just not the decorations, we'll be fine," I shrug.
After the studio I went home and Bella was attempmting to feed a stubborn Storm. "Do you just want a tortilla? I'm gonna make you a tortilla," Bella complains and then sees me, she smirks then walks closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck, "hey daddy." She looks at me up and down then bites her lip.

"I was actually thinking," she makes her fingers walk up my chest, "maybe tonight when Storm goes to sleep we can-"

She was interupted by Storm punching her little table attatched to her high chair.

"Or maybe not," she sighs.
The entire night she's been a tease. It's driving me insane, high heels, cleavage popping out of her red button up like crazy and the black skirt she wore.

"Can you pass me that toy?" I ask while Storm sits between my legs.

"Sure," she gets up from the couch and bends down right in front of me giving me a full view of her panties, grabs the chewable Harley-Davidson and hands it to me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I hand her Storm and go into the bathroom. My breathing was heavy and my dick was hard. "Fuck, uhh, Tom and Nona, Ross Halfin and that one chick, no, Tommy's dick? Gotcha." Boner was now gone.

But two can play this game.

OKAY I'LL admit it. I've been a bit sex deprived since Storm was born. It's been difficult, but its normal to want to have sex with my hot fiancé.

Storm was eating a tortilla I heated up on the stove for her. Nikki comes down after his shower, naked and wet, "I needed some of my clothes from the dryer," he says grabbing some clothes.

"Get whatever you need," I look away. Nikki walks back upstairs. "Storm, I love you, but you need to go to bed."

She just stares at me and giggles.

"Ve a dormir mama por favor," go to sleep please, I tell her and she gets into a crawling position, "oh my god, Nikki!"

"What!" He comes downstairs in just his pants.

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