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NIKKI-FOR ONCE I wanted to actually talk about "what happened last night

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FOR ONCE I wanted to actually talk about "what happened last night." Even though it was more toward the evening or afternoon, not really sure what you call that part of the day.

I woke up and got to business, I woke up, got ready, even went a bit extra and washed myself down there instead of just sticking it in a burrito. This time around, I want to actually try for her, maybe get clean, something.

I took my bike to her apartment, this is one of the few feelings I've actually enjoyed. Letting the wind just take me away, ahh I love it. The sun wasn't out but the day was still beautiful.

Once I got there, there was a girl, couldn't be any older than 12 in the parking lot, and she had a backpack, like she just got out of school. We both walked in the same direction, up the stairs, turned the same way. We both gave each other stink eyes, am I beefing with a child? She even stopped at where I stopped, Bella's door.

We give each other one last evil look before knocking on the door. Seriously, who the fuck is she?

THERE WAS A knock on the door, I quickly made my way to the kitchen with a cup of coffee in my hand. I opened the door and am met with two people I did not expect to see together.

"What the fuck," I say out of confusion, "Monica? Nikki? What the fuck are you guys doing here? At the same time," I knit my eyebrows. Duffin runs up to them, this is Nikki's first time seeing Duffin,

Monica just lets herself in, "Thank god your here," she says aggressively. I gesture for Nikki to come inside and he follows.

"Hi," I smile at him. Seeing his makes my stomach ache, in a good way He makes me nervous. Duffin continues to lick him, "awhh, he likes you, okay so what's going on?"

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" Monica says upset.

"He's not my boyfriend," I wish, "but uh, Nikki, Monica, my little cousin, Monica, Nikki my...Nikki?" I say not knowing what to call him, he just waved to her.

"Hi," he says and she just awkwardly waves back.

"Okay so what do you guys need?" I ask putting my mug down, "you first because your older," I point to Nikki.

"I'd rather say what I need to say, in private," I move my finger towards Monica.

"Then you," I say. She puts her backpack down, and unzips it.

"I failed my test," she says worried, "and I need an adult to sign this slip," I grab the paper, "and I can't tell my mom or my dad because my mom, well you know my mom, but my dad will fucking freak the fuck out over my 'academic stability.'" Putting finger quotes around "academic stability."

"Well you came to the right place, I love signing my autograph," I playfully smirk, I grab a pen then read the slip, "oh thank god it's just math, I thought it was something important like art." I'm a great influence.

She takes the paper after I sigh it, "thank you so much Izzy, your a life saver," She says out of relief, "this is why I like you more than Lydia."

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask because my aunts house is pretty far, East LA to be exact.

"Nah, I'm at my dads house."

"Haha, imagine having divorced parents, fucking loser," I say.

"Imagine having no parents," she fires back. Nikki laughs and I shoot him a glare. I kind of forgot he was here.

"I have parents," I cross my arms.

"My mom literally raised you Izzy, my mom," I just stand there flabbergasted.

Lydia and I raised Monica, her mom definitely became better at parenting with all of us, but she would sometimes get sad and drink her feelings away or leave to Vegas to go gamble, leaving Lydia and I in charge.

"That's a mean ass 12 year old, so Izzy?" Nikki says smiling and getting closer to me.

"She's 14 also don't call me that," I say, "so why'd you come here?" I pick up my mug.

"I think you know why I came here," He gets closer to me. I knew we would have to have this conversation at some point.

"Nikki I- I like you, I really do, and I don't think I ever stopped loving you, but it's just, Duff and I broke up two months ago and I'm not sure if it's too soon to start dating again," I intertwine my fingers nervously hoping he can tell me something I want to hear.

He stood there just looking down at me, "you don't feel the same do you?" I asked, last time I liked him we stayed fuck buddies even after I told him I had feelings. He even told me he loved me the last time we had sex in his dressing room trailer during the last show, but nothing ever went beyond a quick fuck and I had a feeling that it might never.

"Bella, I do, I never stopped feeling that way, I only engaged Vanity because she was my supply, we barely even had sex," he said, that wasn't very impressive but it doesn't phase me, "I want to be with you, Isabella please." He holds my hands.

"I want to as well, but we can't jump into this," I sniffle a bit.

He smiles, "I can handle that," he lifts my chin and plants a soft kiss on my lips. One that I had longed for and wanted for so long.

We smile with our lips still touching, "one condition though."


"You need to stop doing smack, and I mean it this time," I say sternly, he hesitates.

"Okay," he sighs, "but you need to stop vomiting after every meal, it may not be drugs but I know for a fact it's not good for you."

I give him a tight-lipped smile. "Okay." Our foreheads we're pressed together, we kissed one more time, the mood is ruined by Duffins yapping, we both chuckle, "Dylan's at Athena's right now," I said.

"Oh really?" He smirks.

"Hey, what happened to not jumping into things?" I point at him.

"I know, I was just joking around," he laughs lifting his arms in defense, I missed that laugh so much.

"Do you wanna take a nap in my room? I'm tired," I say yawning.

"Yeah, c'mon," he says and holds my hand as I lead him into my bedroom.

He takes his jacket off leaving him in just some jeans, he probably kept them on due to the fact he didn't have underwear on. I usually don't like outside clothes on my bed but it's fine.

He lays next to me and has his arms wrapped around me, I snuggle up against him, "I love you," I say quietly.

"I love you too," he reciprocates. We can take it slow and tell each other we love one another, right?


finally after all that slow burn, also me fighting the urge to call Bella Rizzabella but remembering I have to stay within the time period.

also my friend recently had a show at the whiskey a go-go, it was sick!

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