💕jack × sick Reader ☁️

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Requested by Vallzenn

Your pov-
I've been sick for 2 days already i kept vomiting time to time . Apparently their was some sickness going on and I had to be one of the targets.
It felt like their was sand paper in my throat.At some part i coughed blood it wasn't lovely especially with my boyfriend jack taking care of me .

~Flashback ~
"Hey my dove i got you the medicine so it doesn't damage you as much " jack said with his sweet smile .
He had taken a few days off to be with me .it was so kind of him.
"Thanks ba-" ,before i could even finish my sentence i started coughing harshly .
My throat was screaming for help .
I covered my mouth with a napkin just to lift it up and reveal a bit of blood.
I was pretty shocked and didn't want jack to see it so i quickly threw it in the trash as he was pouring the medicine in a spoon.
He turned around and gave me the medicine doing the "here comes the airplane" thing ,i giggled at his actions and drank the medicine.
He smiled and pecked your lips not caring that you were sick which caused him to drop the spoon in the trash bin next to you .
"Oops sorry my love I'll get it " he said as he was trying to get the spoon.
He finally grabbed the spoon but when he moved the spoon he noticed the bloody stains in the napkin he grabbed it and you saw worry on his face.
You looked at him with guilt ,just do him to look at you with worry ness
"My dove , why didn't you tell me ?!"
"We have to go visit the doctor ,it could be worse that you think " and so on .
"It was only a one time thing ,no need for you to worry to much bae" you said not wanting him to go into some mom mode like last time you got a paper cut.
For the rest of the day he stayed with you with warm blankets and lots of cuddles.Even if he got sick he wouldn't care it would be worth it for him.

-End of flashback -

He was making me my favorite food right now and placing it on a plate. I could hear him sing about how much he loved me ,i was recording him as i kept myself from laughing of adoration.
He didn't notice me recording his silly actions that a bit of my laughter got out .He quickly turned around and turned into a shade of red as he covered his face of embarrassment.
After that i stopped recording and was about to stand up when I was quickly but softly tackled by him tickling me .
"Hahah- sto-p haha " i tried to protest til he stopped and kissed my forehead with a smile handing me the food he made me.
He insisted in feeding me like i was a baby ,he was the perfect man of my dreams i thought to myself as i ate.
After that day i was feeling better by the help of his treatment and love .

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