streberxVampire reader part 3

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Yes the part 3
But not all things are good 😇

Your pov-

After the wedding me and Steve went to go to a fancy restaurant.
We were eating dessert at the moment.
I grabbed the spoon as i fed him some of my cake he accepted as we both laughed.
It was going all well, i must say i can't wait til the afternoon already and neither could streber .
But all of the sudden i kept thinking about having a kid ,i honestly thought  i was the only one out there but i wasn't their was 1 left but i was royalty.
I wanted some kid from my blood i wanted streber to become mine officially by biting him and turning him into my kind as we lived together for life.
I could adopt and infect the kid with the vampire bite but it would have a chance of dying or if they survive they won't be able to spread my royalty, which that was what I wanted, to spread my royal blood.
I shooked my head as i felt streber kissing my lips.
I kissed him back as he grabbed my face and both of us let go as we smiled.
"Are we really going to visit your original house?" Streber said with excitement.
I used to live in this castle like place where i was crowned here before my parents died as long as my people but now i know one other was left.
"Oh course we are !" I said as we both got up and left a tip then payed .
He grabbed onto my shoulder pulling him closer to me .
I ordered us a fancy looking horse carriage.
Streber seemed even more excited than before .
We went in the carriage as i told the driver were too.
I already paid so it wasn't a surprise for him to travel for that long.
After a while we have arrived i got out first and helped streber down.
I gave the man a tip as he thanked me and left .
"Woah! It looks like the ones you'll see in a movie" streber said shaking me.
I chuckled at his actions as we headed inside.
I opened it by placing my hand on the security pad.
Inside was bigger than the outside, it was very clean .
I let some skeleton people or spirits clean as i payed them what they liked or wanted.

Seems fake and all but believe what you want.
I showed streber around as he kept asking questions and wondered around there and there.
I could see the sun setting.
I quickly grabbed strebers shoulder and dragged him to the bedroom to the balcony.
He was wondering why i was dragging him but then stopped when he saw the amazing view in the balcony.
The beautiful sun set and the sun reflecting on the lake in the garden.
"Woah this is so beautiful" he said grabbing on the railing .
I wrapped my arms around streber as he turned his head and kissed me.
He then fully turned around and grabbed me from the neck and started deepening the kiss.

(You know what happens after wedding best part honeymoon 😸)

I carried him inside the bedroom as i placed him in bed still kissing him.
Before going any further i had to ask him something that can't be undone .
"You sure you'll be okay becoming a vampire officially and live for a long time? " I said waiting for a response.
"Of course,i would love to spend the rest of my life with you" he said as he pecked my lips.

I went to his neck as my eyes started glowing and my fangs grew sharper i bit his neck as he moaned a bit.
I infected him with the royalty form,a form i only had .
But now it will be 2 me and my officially husband streber .
I let go of the bite as he groaned a bit in pain.
I saw his teetg get sharper as his eyes changed to a bit more bright ish color.
"Now let continue what we were doing earlier" i said as streber smiled in his dorky way .

"But before we do i have to shut every light entrance so you don't die but don't worry after this you'll be available to go to the sun" i said quickly shutting everything that gave sunlight.
I then went to streber where i saw he was a bit unready to start having 'it'.
"Don't worry streb I'll be top ,no need for you to get nervous I'll do all the movement" i said as i saw his face turn red.
"Please go easy on me " he said as we both took off our clothes .
"I promise I'll do" i said as i pinned him on the bed.
I rubbed my member into his receiving a bit of moans from him.
After a bit i turned him around and placed my member inside him as he moaned out of pain.
I didn't move til he signaled me to move.
"It's alright it's your first time ,i can still give you time" i said as i wiped his tears away.
"N-no i can do this ,you can move now " he said as he weakly smiled.
I did as he told and started thrusting into him in a soft gentle pace.
I felt him twitch a bit , i grabbed onto him as i moved a bit more deeper.
He yelped unexpectedly as i saw him from a bit.
"G-go a ...bit f-f-faster" he said.
I went in a faster pace as i heard him moan and grab on the bed sheets.
I could see more drool come out of his mouth,he seemed to enjoyed it.
I kept the pace as i placed my hand on his member to pleasure him more.
I moved my hand up and down on his member as he started asking to go a bit faster.
I did as i told wanting him to be satisfied.
After a few more thrusts and stroking  we both released.
I released into him as he did to the bed sheets.
"That felt so good ~" he said as he pecked my lips and i laid next to him.
"Yea i must agree" i said as u covered myself with the new blankets after replacing the bed sheets.
"But..i have to ask who was that lady.."streber said randomly as he faced me.
I froze as i looked into his eyes.
I didn't want to lie to him so i told him the truth.
"Her name is jelv ,she is one of my kind but she isn't royalty i had thought she died like the rest,my parents found her the most beautiful woman and  She was assigned to me" I said not wanting to say it to him in risk if hurting his feelings.
"Assigned for what..."streber said as he looked into my eyes now.
"I...was assigned to mate with her ,I've always wanted a child of my blood as well as my parents but i decided to be with you but in the same time i wanted a kid ..."i said as i saw strebers eyes start to water.
I could sense it was getting even darker now.

"I'm forcing you to not get a child?! How did i cause that might as well fuck her and get your stupid kid that you'll love more than me ,just because I'm a male !" streber snapped as his tears dropped.
"Streber please don't think like that " i said as i was about to grab his arm but he smacked my hand away with full force.
"No! It is like that i bet you imaged me as her maybe I'm just a blocker for your "happy life " " he said as he put in his boxers and a robe.
"Streber please,no your not a blocker of anything ..i wouldn't want to hurt you" i said as i put on my pajamas .
Streber started walking away in the angry state.
I tried to catch him but he slapped me with his anger.
"Screw you go fuck that bitch and get yourself a family you wanted i don't want to force you to stop anything,I'm just a object a sex toy to you! " Streber said as i holded my face , he took off the ring and tossed it to me .
"I don't want to see you at all! Go get your stupid stupid family! Make your fucking dead parents happy! You would have never found me if your parents never died they were pathe-" he shut himself up before he fully said it.
I felt some anger Burst out.
"Don't talk to my parents like that! They died protecting me and I could of found someone maybe even better than you if they weren't dead ,they were my everything something i wanted to keep them in my life but no they wanted to protect me like i wanted to protect you ,i could have let you die that Halloween night !" I snapped back as i felt a bit of tears forming remembering on my dead parents.
"(M/n) I'm sorry.." streber said.
"I can't accept that apology just like that cause I'm to pathetic just like you said to my parents! " I said as i left the mansion.
I saw streber try to chace for me but i disappeared before he could even Catch up.

Time skip-

Author's pov-

Streber started regretting making it like it saying those things.
If (m/n) wanted a kid /baby streber should have not made such a big deal about it now he didn't know where his husband was.
He looked at the ring that was in the floor.
Strebers ring ,he picked it up as he placed it on his ring finger once again.
"I have to find him!" He said as he attempted to turn into a bat after a few tries he was able to.

The (h/c) male started knocking on the door waiting for a response.
Suddenly a female ,the one who crashed his wedding opened the door trying to look 'sexy' as possible.
"Yes?" The female known as jelv said.
The (h/c) male inhaled before saying.
"I've changed my mind i want this kid ..." He said as the lady pulled him inside with a smile knowing she would have his baby .
She would be the biological mother to the future kid.


Damn another bad ending 🙀
Maybe part 4? (The last one ) or leave this cliffhanger

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