candy dealer part 1

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Male reader x candy dealer (i had to post something and I'm still thinking about the theifs:'))

I'm losing my mind ✌️

Your pov-

Well i was just banned out the candy club for my brothers actions.
He has stressed out the worker we're he didn't want anyone from my family to come inside just order something outside.
My mom Carmen was pretty bitchy at him and little Reynold stole candy but i didn't do anything and well for my dad....he's just to idk.
I walked in the streets,it was pretty chilly i have to say.
I was going to ask Kevin if he could still let me order candy so i went there .
The door opened as i knocked in the glass window.
I saw Kevin look up as i innocently smiled at him.
He did a playful eye roll as he got up and went outside.
"What can I get for you (m/n)? " He said as he crossed his arms and smiled.
"The usual and has my brother stopped by without paying?" I said as i started taking out the money.
"This time he did pay and I'll be right back" he said leaving to get my favorite candy i always get.
"Here you go! 10 pieces like always" Kevin said handing me the bag that contained the candy as i handed him the cash.
"Thanks kev! See you around" i said waving a little to him as he did as well.
I grabbed some of the candy and started eating it til i heard a 'psst' causing me to turn around and find the source.
"Hey you" i heard a voice say as i look behind me.
I saw it was a cloated guy wearing does type of fancy is looking hats.
He seemed to have purple eyes i could made out.
" need something?" I said still eating my candy.
"The name is candy dealer and I've been watching you (m/n) ,don't get scared or anything i just wanted to give you something sweet"he said as he lifted up my chin with his hand.
I could see it had one of those black leather gloves.
Ah shit that's kinky.
"A-and what's that ?" I said as i blushed feeling his getting closer to mine.
I closed my eye fearing what is going to happen was kinda unexpected i felt a force in my lips.
They were a bit gentle but also kinda rough.
I opened my eyes to see he was clearly kissing me.
I melted into the kiss forgetting he was a stranger basically.
He let go as i felt myself become a blushing mess.
"Your lips are soft a little sweet" he said with a chuckle as i almost choked on the candy.
I spat it out after fully processing.
" at the time i got to leave!" I said feeling a bit nervous.
"Leaving so soon? " He said towering me i could feel his Chest on my back.
"Yea..I'm not suppose to stay outside for so long!" I said running away .
"What's do it tell you about coming late (m/n)" my dad said as he opened the door to let me in.
"I'm sorry i went to grab some candy and then got... distracted a long the way" i said scratching the back of my head.
"For gods sake change your clothes we are heading out " my dad Richard complaint fixing his tie.

Time skip

This party is straight up bullshit,boring as hell ,it's not fair Reynold got to fake his sickness while I'm here having to put in a fake smile.
I love my suit but i hate the way my dad styled my hair .
I look like a rich asshole.
I headed outside as the crowd of people kept getting bigger,it was just rich people i guess.
"Nice to see you again" i heard the familiar voice say startling me.
"WHAT THE-" I said turning around to eye him.
"Wanna ditch this place and have some fun in my place?" He said kissing my hand.
"...what type of question is that? Hell yes !" I said as he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.


His place was quite nice , actually it was cozy ,not really expecting that since he said he was known as the Candy dealer.
First thing i thought it was drugs but he had some jars filled with candy actually.

Screw it I'm running out of ideas!

Candy dealer grabbed me by my hips as he pinned me in a nearby wall.
"You know your pretty handsome yourself" he said as he rubbed his leg on my member causing me to groan.
"Shouldn't we take it slo-" i was going to finish the sentence but he shushed me.
"No need to slow down when you want it that bad " he whispered into my ear as i felt myself start to grow a buldge from him rubbing his knee on my member.
"And perfect timing" he said as he got closer to my face and kissed me after a bit he pulled out with a visible smile.

I had to post something I'll make the next part whenever i wake up just leaving you a mini cliffhanger for now ig

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