streber × reader

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Another transmasc requested!
If i made any mistake please tell me i can't read really well 🥲

Your pov-
I sat in my dorm , looking at the window i was lucky i had a lovely free dorm.
I didn't have to share with anyone , even though I wouldn't like it if anyone came by anyways.
I've been to shy or nervous to talk to anyone.
Even ask for help.
I just doodled to help me with anything as in planning and all.
Right now i was drawing,this one energetic vampire loving guy.
I loved the way he kept his vampire role.
He wanted to be an actor for his own show it was good hearing him from afar about his dreams.
I adored his looks , he was the sun for me.
I would always sketch him now and then .
I had one i was recently doing.
It had him and me.
He had his vampire outfit as he had holding my hand with a nice movie type of background.
I transferred the sketch to the canvas to paint it and give it more color to it.
Maybe once i finish i should give it to him?
Well secretly ...i would explode before i could even talk to him.
I giggled at the thought .
I wasn't to good at my feelings.
I could explode, panic , stare at him with a serious face or anything.
Many things can go wrong.
I tried to ignore that thinking as i started blending the colors of the background giving it a bit more detail.
After i was done with it i grabbed a smaller brush to paint streber.
I was finishing up after about an hour.
Til i heard a knock.
I opened the door waiting for the piant to dry.
It was almost dry but not quite yet.
They opened the door to reveal streber.
"Hey (y/n) i just wanted to as-" before he could finish the sentence they slammed the door as they got nervous seeing him.
"I'm sorry,i can't open the door i forgot i have a sickness!" They said faking their coughs.
"Oh my bad! I just wanted to ask if you'll like to hang out maybe sometime when you aren't sick.." Steve said.
"Sure..i lied and I'm sorry! I'm not sick i can go!" Not even a few seconds i apologized and received a chuckle from the vampire lover.
"It's alright, roof top in moonrise?" He said .
"That sounds perfect,I'll see you then" i said before i heard him walk away.
I have to take a shower and get ready,I'm not going to dress anything fancy just something simple but nice!
I thought to myself as i rushed to take a shower.
After taking the shower and drying myself i looked for good clothes.
I could see outside was already getting dark.
I picked my favorite shirt and jeans.
Nothing fancy but i loved the style.
I put them on and waited til it was fully dark.
I looked at the medium small ish canvas.
I should give it to it now.
As a hour i put on my shoes and jacket.
As i grabbed the canvas that was fully dry.
Whatever I'll just hand it to him and if he doesn't like it I can jump off the roof.
I opened my door and luckily nobody was around.
I made a run to the top floor avoiding anyone as i covered the canvas.
I finally arrived at the roof .
"You came!" Strebers voice scared me as i protected myself showing the back of the canvas.
"Oh sorry,i didn't mean to frighten you ,but please follow me"  he said as he chuckled and guiding me somewhere.
"Close your eyes!" He quickly said with a joyful tone.
After 2 minutes he told me to open them to reveal a comfortable pillow mounted thing and nice looking placed lights.
Your eyes shined brighter that the lights as you adored the view.
" I know it isn't much but i tried my best!" He then said as he nervously smiled.
"It's perfect" i said .
"I also made's alright if you don't like it at all" i said turning my Head wanting to ignore seeing his possibly disgusted face as i handed him the painting.
"Oh my.." he said
"I know it's very ugl-" i quickly said before i was cut off.
"This is the best thing I've ever seen!" He said as he quickly tackled me with a hug as i landed on the pillows and blankets.
"Oof, you really think so?" I said as i patted his head .
"Yes of course i wouldn't lie to you ever, this is something i would have hanging on my wall for the rest of my life no matter what!" He smiled at me as i petted his hair.

"Are you crying?!"  I said noticing he started crying of joy.
As he nodded and kept hugging me for the rest of the night until we ended up falling asleep

Another done

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