7 things

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Okay so let's get few things straight and memorize .

I would not hate all of you completely for it(depends) but please don't mention these following things or do,i will state my reasoning doesn't go to everyone

#1 - ships

I Do not ship any characters or anything like that .

You may ask why?
It's because people ruin great ships and automatically make ships that don't make sense or just disgusting.

I love the streber x Kevin but don't take it so far I'm nearly close to stop liking the ship many people ruined it for me.

That's probably the only ship I'm accepting , hopefully y'all understand on that

#2 stereotypes

I fucking hate stereotypes,don't ask me to do that cause i will not like it

I mean like

This type as an example -

Gay person : "oh my god is it cause I'm gay? I'm such a girly guy let me wear this tank top! I want to wear all pink and show the public I'm gay" type of shit

This is just straight up disrespectful to those who are actually gay

I'm not wanting to offend anyone but please understand

Not all depressed people want to kill themselves

Not all females are skinny

Not all one race is the one your thinking of.

I hate it when this happens I'm not going to make it like that cause it's offensive to many people, trust me .

This is a place were many different people are welcomed no need to see them like something they don't want to be seen as.

#3 shit talking/behavior

I will not and I'm saying I WILL NOT accept any behavior like this ,i don't need to be respected like a god but understand if someone likes someone you don't have to say something about them being disgusting or just straight up bullying them for it.

If they are something don't make fun of them cause i will report and block you .

I can be a whole different person just by shit talking,i may be nice and all but I'm not when you hit the nerve

#4 begging non stop

Yes i understand i haven't done something you wanted but please understand all writers are human and i am too .
I need rest as well

I mean begging like.

"Why aren't you doing my request?"

"Hey um.. can you do my request already? I've waited so long! Do you just not want to do it?"

I forget and get lost in them y'alls request may be around but reiny isn't that good at keeping track of things.

I do accept being informed if a request hasn't been done but begging to much, it's the last thing i want

#5 oc's

Okay you can mention what you imagine your oc doing but please understand do not request it.

This is a book we're everyone enjoys it.

Oc's are a unique thing and i can't capture someone's full attitude and all
It's hard for me to understand 100% accurately about someone sometimes

#6 stressing me

I am never really stressed but sometimes i am .

Sometimes i feel like doing stuff to harm myself but i don't ,i write my books based from my issues sometimes and understand I'm trying to be a good comfort person but stressing me is the worst thing you could do ,i can give up on something just cause I've been talked shit about

I'm so angry that this has happened sometimes , sometimes i won't have motivation to even do anything

I hate that I've gained stressed over losing all my friends and best friends but that's no issue I've been used to it.

I'm seen as the therapist friend and i can be one for you i see no issue but i have to say not all i say can be comforting and i don't want to change you for the things people want you to be .
I'm a very anxious person and i overthink over a simple thing so i can relate to many like that

#7 addressing me (not an issue but)

This is not and issue just understand i like to be called rein,reixx and reiny you can call me what you like but nothing bad , i go by any gender cause I'm never comfortable I'm being any
I'm not special so i won't care for my name as much , do understand it's okay to address my as whatever but nothing bad

I'm a female actually but I'm more comfy as a boy and no I'm not trans i just wished i was born a male sometimes


Thx for understanding if you did
I'm not pointing anyone out nor am I wanting to scare anyone I'm kinda a forgiveful person

Rein loves y'all all( platonic way) stay safe peeps

Also i did this here because this is the most read book i have and here's were some issues come from

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