yandere Dexter × Reader

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(this is a smut ! And well a person getting killed-)

Also this was requested as a female reader!

Dexter's pov
I received a call from my best friend (y/n) ,i saw more that just a friend.
I must say i have fallen for her badly.
At first it was just a thought to a crazy obsession.
I was always there where she went i could and literally look at her all day.
I don't have not much important things to do.
I get called about my job now and then but their is way more time for her.
Only her
I would love her til i die.

I was walking to her house ,it wasn't far away after all i always knew my way to her house.

I knock at her door as i waited.
I finally heard footsteps coming closer and closer.
I heard the door open to reveal her.

She looked really nice as always.

"Oh hey Dexter,i wasn't expecting to see you this early" she said ,i could see she had puffy eyes.

"Oh (n/n) were you Crying again.." i said as i came in.

"Yea...he just keeps breaking my heart in pieces and pieces " she said as she tried not to cry again.

She was referring to her recent boyfriend.

I have never liked him ,for the way he treats my (n/n).
For how he stole her away from me.
How he uses her.
This would be my last straw.

I hugged her as she hugged me back holding her tears.

"It's alright you can let it all out " i said as she hugged me tighter.

This is my chance to kill this man for once, i don't care what anyone says.

I don't care if i get into trouble .

I only want to protect my (y/n)

Time skip-

We were now in the couch as she slept in my arms.
I let her sleep and got out of here grip after a few minutes.

As much as i wanted to keep her in my arms for the rest of my life i had one thing to do before anything else.

I went back home to put on my exterminator suit.
After i had packed my backpack with a few tools i headed to his house.

I knocked as i acted dumb and 'sweet'
I heard footsteps and then a door unlocked revealing her recent boyfriend Stevan .

"Who tf are you?" He said looking at me in disgust.

"Hello ,I'm Dexter the exterminator i was called to kill some animal from this address!" I said .

"I didn't call anyone for shit , their isn't no animals in here for you to kill and try to survive by the little money you receive your pathetic like any other " he said about to slam the door.

"I'm sorry i wasn't describetive enough, his name is Stevan and he is the animal i would kill for hurting my beloved " i replied as i pushed the door in hitting his face.

"What in the actual fu-" he grabbed his face in pain as he was distracted or even he could finish his sentence i tackled him with force.

I grabbed the knife that was in my pocket belt thing and let go of my backpack .
I could see the fear of his eyes as i took off my mask revealing my crooked smile .
I launched the knife into his chest, specifically his heart.

I stared in satisfaction as he tried to stop me but i kept stabbing in and out from the same spot as blood splattered into my face .

I could see tears forming into his eyes.
All i did is stab and laugh.
Oh how long I've waited to do this.
I sat up seeing his body still trying to survive.
I looked at him down and squeezed his chest as blood poured even more.
I stomped into his chest as i broke his chest.

"D-dex..ter?!" I heard the voice i loved scream in fear .
I turned around to see my beloved scared but also surprised.
I saw a few tears dripping out of her beautiful eyes .

I went closer to her as i shut the door so she wouldn't leave.

"Your safe now ,no need to worry " i said as i felt her trembling in my arms as i hold her.

"Th-ank y-you Dexter " she responded still a bit scared as she hugged by neck.
I couldn't hold in any longer she made me feel so turn in.
She stared into my eyes as i did to hers.
We came closer to each others faces until our lips connected.

We both let go as she smiled sweetly .

I carried her to her house inpatiently to feel her even more.
I opened her door as i took her inside closing the door.

She got down to lead me to her room.
She perfectly knew what I wanted.
She kissed me all of the sudden as i slipped my tongue into her mouth taking dominance.

(Smut About to begin in a bit-)

Your pov-

Dexter let go of the kiss as i saw him red and still have some blood splatters.
I didn't care about Stevan no more.
I guess i did cage my feelings towards Dexter.
I could see him tak off his suit and his shirt ,he wiped the blood off him with the shirt and threw it.

I felt him push me to my bed and felt him get on top of me.

I could feel his member poke out from his pants in my area.

I felt him rub his member humping me for a bit.

Until i heard him groan,now he was in the mood.
He stripped me naked as he did himself as well.

I guess he isn't playing no more.
He kissed me once more as he entered me in the same time.
I moaned loud not expecting it all of the sudden.
He let go of the kiss as i saw his drool fall out of the kiss.
"Sorry sweetheart i can't control myself " he said as he quicken the pace.

"I-its a-lrigh-" i couldn't talk much as moans escaped my mouth for how he kept going harder in a quicker pace.
I could feel his breath in my neck now , he kissed my neck leaving me marks.

I couldn't hold it in no longer,i wanted to release.

"Don't release just yet (n/n) " he said as i felt my stomach in a knot,i tighten as i felt him go deeper.
"I-im cl-close " he said as he released right inside of me as i mow released,i could feel his warm liquid in me as it mixed in mine.
He took out his member once he stopped releasing.

I felt some of the liquids leaves my area when he pulled out.

I thought he was done but i was incorrect ,i could see him sweating and a blushing mess on top of me.

I felt him turn me on top of me .
I guess he still wanted more.
I humped on his member just to tease him a bit .

I could feel him twitch wanting to be inside of me once more.
I felt his cold hands grab my ass and placed his member inside of me.

Moaned loudly at the sudden action.
I rested my arms in his shoulders for support as i went up and down.

I bit his nexk there and there when he  pushed me further.

"I love your beautiful body on me " he said as he kissed my lips and let go.
I could see him smirk when he guided me even more ,i felt my walls tighten around his member ,i wanted to pull out for a sec .

Before i could i felt Dexter's hands once again pull me all the way down as he released in my sweet spot.
I moaned even more as he reached the spot perfectly.

He finally got me off him as i laid done into his arms.

'i will always love you my love no matter what" Dexter said as he played with my hair.

After a few minutes we both ended up sleeping due to getting tired after having our fun.

I could hear s few police sirens from far away ,they must have discovered Dexter's recent kill but i didn't care about that .
I shut my eyes as i relaxed into his arms.



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