jack x yandere reader part 2

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Part 2 of the female yandere reader x jack
Sorry if they are any mistakes

Your pov-
After a it i heard jack was asleep.
I would have to leave right now,i could see red and blue lights coming closer.
I kissed Jack's forehead before leaving him.
I put on my clothes and a jacket i had.
Then i went to put on my shoes.
"I would always love you jack , don't care if i get out behind bars,I'll be back and with you " i said as i kissed his lips one last time.
I left his house hearing the sirens already here.
It wasn't the first time i had done this so i ran really fast and went to some place.

Jack's pov-
I was sleeping comfortably til i heard sirens outside my house.
I was confused since i worked as a deputy why would they come here without inform me.
I then heard the door of my room get taken down and guns pointed at me .
Then i saw John in his serious face as he told the others to search the house .
"Jack are you okay? Have you seen (y/n) " John said as i looked around to not see her no more .
"What's wrong?"i said clearly confused.
John calmed himself as he sat on the corner of the bed .
"Remember the lady you found in the alley all messed up?" John said as i nodded.
"(Y/n) (l/n) also known as the baker from that bakery you love visiting had their DNA on the lady and some evidence of her killing this innocent woman" John said as he rubbed his eyes.
I looked at him shocked not wanting to believe it at all.
"Was it official?" I said .
"She would need to be questioned"John replied as he looked at me.
"Put on some clothes we have to look for her ,we can't have someone guilty running around..." John said before standing up and leaving the room with the others empty handed.
I put on my uniform and the rest quickly as i could.
I didn't want to believe she did it at all ,why would she do it .
It didn't make sense to me at all.
I headed outside and went to John as we both went inside the vehicle.
The rest went to look for (y/n).
I got out for a look out as well.
I felt pretty guilty in having relationships with a criminal.
But i didn't care either way ,i would love her not caring for what she did.
It is love no matter what.
Even if she gets put behind bars i would have a spot for her in my heart.
I would visit her daily even if I'm not allowed.
"Focus on the road jack" John said as i Shaked my head fr all my thoughts.
"Ah yes that right sorry.."i said keeping my eyes on the road.

Time skip-
We were back at the station i was resting on my desk as John tried to contact the others.
I was thinking about her sweet smile and her perfect body on me and under me.
He warmth ,her moans and how good she felt.

Time skip/// your pov!-

I was caught by some cops ,i tried to be set free but i couldn't.
They were stronger than me.
I had been caught up on the streets,i was close enough but it didn't matter no more.
I would have to face it and be questioned and set behind bars for God knows how long.
"Geez be careful you blue suited idiot!" I said feeling a bit of pain on how they tackled me and put me in the back seat in cuffs.
The kept their eyes on the road as the drove to the station once they parked they got out and pulled me out.
I hate most cops ,but i adore one of them ,the deputy jack.
"Sir we have got the suspect" the one grabbing on me said as u let my head down.
I slowly lifted it up to see my beloved resting on a desk.
"Take her to interrogation i want answers from her" John then said as the others dragged me once again.

Another time skip

"Now Ms (l/n) why did you kill this lady " John said showing me a regular photo of the woman and Her dead state now.
I chuckled as i lifted my head eying the confused John Infront of me.

"Well Mr officer ,let just say she got on my nerves she wanted to get the only thing ive ever loved once i laid my eyes on ,i had to do something it satisfied me hearing her muffled screaming and her head turn into mush and gushy i admit it i did it put me behind bars but it will never stops me from killing to be close to my beloved i would give my life and goods to them " i said keeping eyes contact with every word i could see he was clearly confused about who i did it for.
I giggled as i felt i couldn't control it remembering how pathetic the little bitch was.

"Who is this beloved you talk about (l/n) "John said taking notes.
"C'mon isn't obvious John! You clearly know who that is ,in matter of fact he's standing right behind you" i said as John turned around to see nobody .
I quickly broke the cuffs off my hands as my eyes turned cyan.
I then tackled John not wanting to be separated from jack .
I made a deal with the cultist in stoping the police and help my new buddy bob escape and i would get access to my love.
I was choking John as my eyes glowed even more ,then i felt a shot go into my chest.
I let go of John as i slowly turned around to reveal a teary jack.
I felt a bit of blood come out of my mouth as i collapsed to the floor.

Jack's pov-

I didn't want to hurt (y/n) nor did I want for John to die ,i felt my body just take control without thinking.
I didn't think about it at all i shot the only person I fell in love with it they turned around to eye me with a bloody mouth.
I could feel my eyes start to water as i started shaking in regretion.
Her eyes turned normally as she collapsed i threw the gun as i saw John slowly get up but u headed to (y/n) .
"It's alright jack it isn't the end just yet" i heard her say as she holded my hand and i carested her face .
"I'm really really sorry" i said as i saw her eyes slowly close .
I knew i made the best choice as a officer (deputy) but not as a lover.
I was pulled by John as they took (y/n)'s body i felt my heart break seeing her bleeding.

Time skip again lol -

She had recovered and out behind bars i wasn't allowed to be with her as much.
She would demand to see me but wasn't for that long.
She seemed to become a bit more differently.
But still had her calm state.
I was heading to check on her before i heard a siren pop out me and John headed to the jail cells and saw that the theifs ,bob velseb and (y/n) had escaped...
I wasn't sure where they headed but i felt a few tears come out on fearing on losing (y/n) once again.

But i wonder where is she is headed now...


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