frank x male reader

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This was requested to be  a bubbly male.

Your pov-
"M/n sweetie could you watch the boys tonight?" I Heard my aunt Lila say.
"Of course! I'll be down there in a bit" i said before i said goodbye from a FaceTime with streber.
We were being silly again and I loved getting attention from him ,he was the most energetic and greatest actor I've ever seen.
Even tho he lost his arm he still loved to play as other people.
I always cheered with him with his boyfriend Kevin.

I had hanged up already and closed my computer, i fixed the scarecrow costume i always wore it to match with the 2 boys.
They even made a mask for me ,it was sweet of them .
It was a nice comfortable one .
I was able to move eyes and face expressions .
It was a pretty good outfit i must say.
I put in my hat not caring about my messy hair.
I then headed downstairs when i put on some matching shoes to complete the costume.
I saw skid watching the tv with pump waiting for me .
I snuck up at them, the jumped til they realized it was me and giggled.
We all headed outside after i said bye to my aunt.
She let me stay with her until u was able to get my own house.
I would of course re pay her.
We were walking in the streets as me and the kids kept ranting about the spooky month,i stopped for a second to grab some flower i found , i let the kids get a bit ahead since they saw some ice cream truck.
I grabbed the light blue flowers and carried it ,i was adoring it until i reached the kids.
They aggressively knocked on the door causing for a man to get angry until he saw the kids and me .
I was to busy adoring the flower to turn around.

Frank's pov-

-Silent whisper playing in his head as he saw a male with a scarecrow costume holding a flower -

Back to your pov -
"Can we get 3 spooky ice cream!" Said both kids in unison as you realized you could talk to some stranger.
You quickly smiled at seeing the male inside the truck ,he kept staring at you as pump tried waving a hand in his face.
"Frank!!!" Skid said to the man inside to vehicle causing him to snap of his thoughts as he stared at the kids.
"What would you like kids and who's your friend there " he said pointing at me .
"That's my cousin! He's the best ! " Skid said.
"Nice to meet ya sir ,frank was it ? "  You said to the man as he handed you the ice creams .
You gave the ice cream to the boys as you heard the man start to speak.
"Yes , my name is Frank and who may you be?" He said putting his face resting in his hands.
"Im (m/n) "  i said as a smiled seeing his face slowly turn pinker.
"Oh how much would It be for the ice cream?" You said reaching in your pocketd for cash.
You took off your hat and mask where you hided extra money.
"Oh nom no ,no need to pay in cash ,i will love to get your number" he said.
You looked at him blushing a bit.
You took out a piece of paper from your hat as you wrote on it with red ink pen .
"Here! , Just for a early warning I'll probably be spamming you , i love getting attention,but I'm not trying to sound like something bad" i said scratching my neck.
"That's alright with me , i would to give you all my attention to you "  he said as he chuckled.
"(M/n) (M/n) (M/n)! Can we go to the store?!" Skid then said .
You turned around to face him and faced frank back .
You grabbed his face to pull him closer as you put a flower on his hair.
You could feel his face turn warm .
You quickly let go and waved a bye to frank.
"I'll see you later frank! , Please text me once you can and that flower looks good on you!" You said as you threw a quick kiss .
You saw him wave back with a goofy smile.

Time skip -
After some while I started calling frank 24/7 .
You finally found a job and still called him .
Time to time you would get out off for your break and hang out with him .
He really seemed to love your long talks about anything.
He would hug you now and then ,once i got my home he would want to sleep with me and cuddle me .
He would want to be with me which was once thing i loved .
After a few months together ,he confessed to be his boyfriend.
I quickly accepted as i kissed his lips .
After that he became more of a flirt and a sweet guy whenever the kids came along.
As much as he didn't talk he would add in some stuff there and there , he really like hearing my voice and my presence.

I would love when he tried to impress me with many gifts but i wanted him more than anything in the world.
We were meant for each other and I like it this way.

Another one done
Also sorry the other one shots are in progress i was stressed out in finishing some other work 😅

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