Robert x reader 🥀

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A angst cause it was requested and I had a idea spark up
Non binary Reader
Sorry for any mistakes!!

Your pov-

I sat in the desk i normally sat on ,I've been crushing at this one nice guy .
Yea I've interacted with him time to time and I've developed many feelings everytime i saw him smile widely when talking to me.
He was a gentleman a man of your dreams you can say.
I was going to ask him out because i couldn't hold in my live for him.
I saw as he entered with his friends talking about who knows what ,my friend beside me gave me a smirk as she saw me get lost in thinking about the male.

"Look there (y/n) theirs the guy you like" they chuckled whispering the sentence.
"You think he might accept someone like me " i whispered to my friend.
"Of course he would! This is your chance (n/n)!" She said giving me confidence.
I was s little bit more confidence.
"I'll ask him when we're about to leave to our houses just Incase something goes wrong " i said before i heard the bell ring meaning class was about to start.
Time skip

Your pov

"Should i fix my hair? Does my breath smell good, am i too fat? Skinny?"i told my friend stressing out .

"Hey (n/n) it's okay the bad thing he could say now plus they are many nice guys out there many trys!" She said as i exhaled.
"Okay right now is the time !" I said getting out of the locker room and going to find Robert.
Gladly i found him he seemed to be waiting for someone tho.
"H-hey Robert " i said as he turned around and smiled at me .
"Oh hey (y/n)! What a surprise to see you here I haven't heard from you for like...a week" he said in a saddened tone at the end.
"Yea I'm really sorry about that but i wanted to ask you something for a while now " i said as i fixed my hair and reached into my backpack to take out this special box I've been working and decorating for 3 weeks ,i made it from hand i cutted myself by trying to evenly split/cut the wood .
"I wanted to give you this it has something i wanted to tell you " i said handing it to him .
He smiled sweetly he was about to take it but it was snatched by another hand.
"Oooh what's this??" I heard Roy say.
"Hey! That's not for you!" I said as i was about to take it away from him.
But he opened it.
"Hahahah you think Robert will like you back?!" I heard Roy laugh at seeing the box and opening it.
Robert looked at me with a surprised face.
""i couldn't make up any words.
"C'mon Robert tell them what you've told us tell them how you really feel about them "Roy said with a wide smirk.
Robert looked at the side as if he was thinking too.
I saw Ross look down guilty or even looked sad?
Ross had a look i haven't seen him in.
"I'll say it then " Roy said pushing the guilty looking Robert to the side.
"My friend Robert here does not like you at all he says your practically annoying,he only hanged with you cause he felt bad for how lonely you got i mean just look at you and think about his words and oh I'm not lying!" Roy said as he pulled his device out showing me a video that it was indeed true.
I heard Roberts voice saying all that.

"O-oh w-ell then t-t-thanks for the information...."  I said as i faked smile feeling like my heart had been stabbed,my eyes started to fill up with tears.
"Y-y -n I didn't mean it like that"  i heard Robert said as he grabbed my arm.
"Let me go I've heard enough i don't need no explanation but just that you hate me or just don't like me i get it .." i said getting out of his grip.
I started running away with tears in my eyes and stupid crying noises as i reached out to hug my friend.
"Oh no ! What happened!" She said as she hugged me.
I explained everything to her.
"I'll kill that son of a-" she said but i wasn't going to let her hurt him.
"It's okay.." i said wiping off my tears.
Me and my friend headed home i waved her a goodbye and continued walking to my house til i felt a presence.
I could hear it running but i just didn't care that the point .
" (y/n)..are you okay" i heard a familiar voice say .
"Oh hi Ross ...sure I'm feeling okay " i said giving him s little smile.
"I'm sorry for how Roy and Robert did back there...if you're interested maybe we could hang out? I will treat you better than any man or guy would because i know how much you deserve it...i had a big crush on you but i was to nervous actually i know it's a bad time but you can think it through!" Ross said walking a bit faster than me.
I felt my heart flutter

Ross? Liking sweet maybe i should have gone with him.
I catched up to him as i hugged him.
"I'll love to give you a chance!" I said as Ross smiled.
"Really?!" He said as he started to wrap his arms around me.
"Of course!" I said as he carried me and spinned me around.
I felt as if someone was watching us as i felt s peck in my lips.
It was Ross pecking my lips ,i blushed as i chuckled seeing his adoring smile.

Roberts pov-

" I love you too Ross" i heard as they chuckled holding onto Ross neck.
Ross seemed so happy as they smiled as well.
"Look at them their pathetic i can't believe Ross even went to them" Roy said annoyed and disgusted.
"Yea...look at them" i said as i felt myself about to test up.
I only said bad things about them because i thought i would fit in with my friends...that was once of the reasons Ross didn't join in out bad talks about (y/n)...looks like I've lost one person i loved to a better and kinder male i called my best friend..


Well damn

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