hatzgang x reader

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This is a female reader fluff!

Your pov-
I was walking around in the streets, i wasn't sure what to do .
Maybe i should visit the cemetery to pet the random cats or the candy club to get a bit of sweets and visit my brother while I'm at it.
Screw it I'm going to the candy club.
I started walking to the candy club, they had many of my favorite candies.
My brother Kevin worked there ,he was always bored .
I can't blame him he was always suspected and weird with the cops.
I entered the shop , seeing Kevin about to fall asleep.
I took the chance and got close to him.
"Boo!" I said as i launched into him.
He opened his eyes suddenly ,i could hear a bit of his scream.
I giggled as i was resting my head on his shoulders and hugging him to not fall.
"Don't do that again (n/n) " Kevin said rolling his eyes playfully.
"Anyways what are you doing here?" He said as you got down from his back.
"I wanted some of (f/c) (favorite candy)"  i smiled innocently.
"Oh you can go to the back i forgot to restock them this morning" he said as i went to the back to get them.
I handed him the money not wanting for him to get fired.
I put the amount i paid for in the bag after i was done i heard footsteps.
I went outside the back to see it was Roy and the rest.
My eyes sparkled as i saw them.
I placed the bag of candy in the counter as Kevin started to count my candies to make sure I grabbed the correct amount.
I snuck behind Robert.
"Hello sunshine!" I said as i tackled him with a hug .
The others quickly turned around seeing me and Robert on the ground as i hugged him.
I then heard Robert gasp in adoration.
"(Y/n)! " He said as he hugged me back .
"I wish i was Robert right now " Roy whispered as Ross nodded.
I looked at them as i got up and hugged both of them.
"Don't worry all you your will always be my favorite " i said giggling.
"I thought i was your favorite!" You heard Kevin say.
"You are but when these boys come you are second!" I replied causing the boys to Chuckle.
I grabbed the bag of candy as i saw the boys grab their candies and payed for it this time.
"Hey (n/n) ,would you to hang with us?" I heard Robert say.
"Yea it would awesome if you could!" Ross added.
"Can i go with them Kevin?" I did looking back at my brother.
"Sure but those boys better not to anything to you " he said as he glared at them.
The boys just nodded and left with me.
"So where are we going?" I said as i turned around to face them .
I could see all of them had a dust of pink in their face .
"The cemetery, theirs something really cool there!" Roy said as he grabbed my hand and rushed me to get there.
I could see the others follow .
"Roy wait up ,we made a deal!"  Robert said.
We were at the entrance of the cemetery.
I love how the place was calmed .
I was distracted not seeing i was being carried by Robert.
He sure was strong, i then fell a blindfold on me.
I didn't see and issue with this at all just curious what would happen.
"Where are you taking me?" I said grabbing Roberts neck for support.
"You'll see (n/n)" you heard Ross say .
After 4 minutes i felt him stop walking.
I could feel my blindfold start to be removed and set down as i opened my eyes i saw a beautiful picnic set up.
It had my favorite stuff animals on the side , with lights in the tree and my favorite colored blanket next to the food and snacks close to a pond were some of the animals were there.
"Aw this place is beautiful " i said turning around to face them .
"It wasn't much but we wanted to ask you out " Roy said.
"It's okay if you don't want any of us .."i heard Ross say.
"Don't be upset, i also has feelings for all of you !" I said hugging them .
I could see their eyes sparkle as the hugged me back.
"Now i have 3 amazing boyfriends!' i shouted as i kissed their cheeks causing them to turn red.
"Let's eat then " Roy added .
"We are the luckiest guys ever " i heard Robert say as well as the others nodded .
I was already eating as they all headed towards the spot all cuddling into me as we all saw the sun set and ate.
We had a few sweet conversations until i had to leave, Kevin called me to pick me up.
I could see them frown, i gave them a hug and a kiss goodbye as Kevin came .
I could see their sweet little smiles form.
"Wow 3 boyfriends , who knew you could pull" Kevin said chuckling as i playfully hit him.
As i waved bye to my new top favorite people.


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