streber x reader x Kevin

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Decided to do it cause I'm kinda tired and the smuts need a finishing touches.

Btw it's was requested male  reader.

Kevin's pov-

I was working as i always do , almost falling asleep and bored as hell but at least I'm making money not much but it's something.
I heard the door open as i looked at who entered i saw it was a male.
He had a good appearance and body i must say.
I've gotta tell streber about him ,maybe he would allow a love triangle or polymorous relationship.
"How much are these?" The male said coming to the counter and setting the candy down .
"5 dollars " i said as i felt my cheeks warm up.
"Alright I'll take these!" He said handing me the cash ,i took it as he told me to keep the other 15 dollars form the 20 as a tip.
He introduced himself as (m/n) and i of course told him my name.
He said he loved the way i smiled then i saw him smile and left grabbing his candy.
Surely streber will be interested in him..

Strebers pov-

I saw as a male was in the same section with me.
"Ooh your going to be a vampire? That's cool , vampires are one of my favorite" he said with a smile.
I could see his theet were a bit sharped.
"Woah are your theet actually that sharp?" I said as he chuckle making me feel butterflies.
"The name is (m/n) and Yea i was born with them ,i guess the universe really knew my future " he said putting his finger on the fang like teeth.
"Anyways i have to go but it was nice meeting another vampire lover!" He said with a loveable smile.
"Yea same here ,i really appreciate theirs other vampire lovers ,my name streber" i said shaking his hand.
"See you around then " he said as he grabbed some fake blood and left.
I almost forgot i was at the store lost in his handsome looks and that good body of his.
"I think Kevin will like him" i thought.

Author's pov-(cause idk the difference between 3rd ,2nd and 1st pov )

Steber headed to the house we're he shared his boyfriend Kevin with.
He saw his boyfriend already got there looking a bit awkwardly.
"What's wrong" streber asked his lover.
"I want to tell you something but promise not to think bad about it?" His lover Kevin said.
"I also have something like that to tell you" streber said playing with his hands.
"Wanna say it in the same time?" Kevin said scratching the back of head.
Streber nodded as both of the took a deep breath.
"I saw this really cute guy and i wanted to ask you if we could have him join our relationship!" Both said in unison.
"Was it a (h/c) ,(s/c) male with a dreamy smile? " Both said again in unison.
"Okay was his name (m/n) by chance?" Kevin said as his boyfriend Streber nodded.
"Yes ! We both agree?" His partner streber said as Kevin smiled and nodded.
"Theirs only one way we can get them and you know what that means " streber added with a Chuckle already planning in how to get the (h/c) male to be theirs.

Your pov-

I've just got here about a week ago and theirs many strange but nice people actually. Not what expected to say at least but it's a comforting place so far.
I went to this candy shop I've been wanting to visit and their was this nice looking male.
He seemed greetable Good thing they had my favorite candy.
Then after that i went to the store to buy more fake blood for my outfits and projects I've been working on.
So fake blood was the best shade of red i could get a the moment, better than nothing .
I met some vampire lover there ,just saying but he looks like a bottom.
Ik that's weird to say but hey he just looks loveable.
I wiped my sweat from my face.
I was almost done with the sculpture i was finishing tho.
I was carving it's face ,Yea I did many things.
Just for the fun,the statue was just something from what a devil looked like.
Yea weird but u found devil's or demons a strange and wonderful creature.
I decided to call it a stop for now I've been working on it for 4 hours now.
I put away the tools i used and headed to the shower just to shower and get off any clay i got .
It was a nice warm shower.
I dried myself up and changed to something comfy to go to sleep.
Time skip in the afternoon 🧍

I headed outside to just relax,it was quiet with only the breeze.
I felt someone was staring at me which made me feel a bit unsafe.
Maybe i should head home?
Nah it's just a feeling!
I walked to a park to look at the ducks.
I got near the pond before i saw a duck.
"Aw hello" i said as i offered it a piece of bread which it glady took it.
I saw it run away from something.
Hmm weird,wait what's that other shadow?
I turned around to see a male the darkness with a white glow before it fully went dark.


Doing part 2 later i promise i just had to post something today 🥲

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