Rick x reader (smut)

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This was requested -

female reader also added something more 👉👈(maybe doing a male if request ^^)

Your pov-
I stared at the tv waiting for my boyfriend rick to come back .
We've had been together about 3 years now and today's our anniversary and I wanted to surprise him with something good.
He did work now and then but ended up quitting most of his jobs he would get in trouble or not really wanna deal with it .
I didn't mind him being like that .
After all i did work as well but i called for a break.
Rick was previously working with your best friend Kevin in the candy club .
He was trying to see if he would fit in it not .
Kevin never thought of me dating someone like him ,since i was kinda super hyper time to time and Rick wasn't.
He never really showed emotion with others but when he's with you he shows you his rare smiles and love .
He was really different around you .
You didn't mind any of it at all you loved his chubby and handsome looks.
You lived cuddling with him that's for sure .
Thinking of him you heard the front door open .
You turned around fastly as Rick revealed himself.
You quickly got out of the couch as you threw yourself into Rick .
He almost fell but holded his balance grabbing you.
He didn't know you missed him this much.
He smiled as you were in his arms.
You could smell the candy on him .
"I got you a present but it won't arrive yet , so would you like to do something?" He said .
"Sure , what would you like to do? " You then felt his lips smashed into yours.
You accepted his kiss as he started to put his whole tongue into your mouth winning his dominance.
He closed the door with his leg as he grabbed you from the waist .
You both pulled away to breath.
You were then pulled upstairs to y'alls guys bedroom.
You could see him smile as he took off your shirt closing the bedroom door.
He pushed you gently in the bed as he started crawling towards you.
Once he reached you ,he kissed you one more .
You could feel drool coming out from the kiss .
He pulled out to kiss your neck .
You felt your face get hot as he licked some of your sensitive areas in your necks ,he kissed them and bit them marking you his .
He ripped off your bra revealing your breasts.
He licked them as i could see him smile as he heard me moan.
Before i could even process he took off my shorts and underwear.
I was crossing my legs covering my area feeling cold .
Rick then grabbed my legs and pulled them apart slowly as he put his finger in me .
I was shocked but i enjoyed the feeling .
He had bigger hands and thick fingers .
He could easily rip me apart but he took it gently as he kissed me to block out the moans.
He went even deeper which made a tear fall out from the pain of satisfaction.
"Don't cry ,I'm just getting started" he said in his deep voice making you flustered .
I released after a few minutes he licked his fingers and enjoyed my liquids.
He took off his pants and boxers as long with his shirt revealing his perfect body as he went on top of me , i couldn't hold it any longer i wanted him inside me .
He grabbed a condom and put it on.
He gently rubbed his member in my entrance til he gently slided it in .
I moaned in pleasure,even though it wasn't my first time doing this with him he sure was big.
"Sorry (n/n) ,i can stop off you'll like"  he said caring for you.
"No please continue" you said as he started to move in and out .
You moaned a lot in pleasure as he smiled seeing your moaning state .
He started going fast and deeper .
Meaning he was close .
As he went deeper and faster the louder were your moans ,he grabbed one of legs placing it on his shoulder to give him more access in putting his member deeper into you.
He went a bit more rougher and kissed you .
He then released in the condom after a few more thrusts ,it really took the energy out of him.
He took off the condom as he just realized that it ripped when he released into you.
"Well how do you feel about having a kid ". He said with a nervous chuckle.
I turned to him to see the ripped condom .
"Well..we can have a family together i guess , especially if your the father!" You said kissing his lips as he threw the used condom .
You both fell asleep comfortably.

Long Time skip -

It was official i tested positive in being pregnant.
Rick was happy having a family with me .
He hugged my stomach as he kissed it and came up with the names of our future baby.
I smiled at the thought of Rick being the best dad for out baby .
He got up and kissed me already impatient or our kid to come out but it was sadly still growing in my belly.


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