streber x injured reader

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Yes injured female reader , decided to this request at the moment cause i wanted to write a bit of violence

Your pov-

I was walking like a normally do when I'm pretty much bored.
I had nothing to do it anyone to talk to they were either busy or something.
I didn't mind to be free time to time but it's pretty boring.
Maybe something might happen.
As if the universe was listening to me i felt something or someone behind me.
I felt goosebumps on me ,it wasn't cold but it was night time.
I just shook it off and walked a bit faster.
Maybe it's your mind (y/n)...i felt a hand in my shoulder,i froze up in place feeling like i was done for.
(Imma Google one fact or whatever cause I'm to lazy to think)

"Did you know that Humans and their ancestors regularly practiced cannibalism ,it is something to do when connecting to their religions " i heard a voice say as i slowly turned around with fear.
"What..." Before i could even process i felt a knife stab in my stomach as i saw the figure smile widely a drool.
He pulled it out and saw the blood dripping satisfied.
I felt my knees get weak as i grabbed in the wound i felt the knife lighty cut me as i teared up in pain when he pulled my hair with full force.
Before anything else could happen i saw red and blue lights and classic police sirens.
"These bastards!" The guy shouted as he slightly slit.
"I'll come back for you someday " the masked man said dropping me as i grabbed on my neck suffocating a bit.
I felt my sight become blurry as i saw a random person approaching me as police cars passed by fast.

Strebers pov-

"God damn  hospital isn't answering me ! "
I was currently trying to help some female who seemed to be passed out.
I heard i few screams and with curiosity i went to check.I could only make out a fat figure running away after the other person that passed out.
They were in my bed with lots of bandages after i disinfected the wounds,I'm glad i took a few years of practice in medical.
The person will be okay for now but may have many struggles and plans when they wake up .
I stared at their unconscious body ,she indeed looked pretty to say..
I saw her eyes flutter open as i heard her groan as she moved.
"Woah careful i wouldn't want you to move so much" i said because i had just sewed up the wounds and it will be a pain to accidentally open them.
"Take these please" i said putting a painkiller close to their mouth.
They opened their mouth to take it and i gave them water do let it slide down better.
"Who are you?" She said in a quiet ish voice.
"Names streber and i found you passed out ,sadly the ambulance isn't answering...not sure why" i said sitting at the end of the bed.
My room is kinda a mess...
"Well thanks for this name is (y/n)" she said with a weak smile trying to get up.
I help her sit up cause getting up will be a pain.
"May i ask what happened to you? I said as i saw their face expression change.
"He wasn't caught?" They said worried.
"Mm not sure who your referring to"
"That Devil guy ,is he going to come back looking for me ,i have to leave i don't want to danger some kind stranger " she said getting up.
I got up as i set them back down.
"Woah woah woah not do fast your injured you can't move a muscle,i promise I'll protect myself and you from that devil your speaking about " i said trying to relax them.
It did but they still seemed worried.

Your pov-

My body hurt like hell,I'm in streber the stranger house and I will be hunted by a guy dressed up as a devil.
What a life.....i felt myself tear up from the more the pain came in those painkillers didn't work for shit.
"Don't cry need anything?? I can get it for you!" Streber the guy who helped me said as i wiped my tears.
"No my body just pains me more" i said feeling more pain I'm my throat at least i could speak just right and move well.
"Please relax no need to rush things" streber said rubbing his hand behind my back making me feel a bit more comfortable.
"Heheh thx,i look stupid don't i? " I said feeling like i was.
"No no no don't think like that you were just injured,your to beautiful to be thinking negatively " he responded.
"Thx i guess...are you just saying that?" I said as i looked into his eyes.
"Of course not im honest and i know when i see beauty and your the definition of it" he replied scratching the back of his neck making me smile.

Streber ended up taking care of me these past days to weeks til i felt better.
He was such a nice male.
"Hey (y/n)?" He said as i stared at his flustered state.
"Yes streber?" I Said with a smile.
"Looks i know we've only known each other for a few weeks but your the most beautiful woman I've laid my eyes on and i was wondering maybe you could be my girlfriend???" He said fiddling with his fingers.
I blushed not expecting him to say that.
"You don't like me back do you?...i know it was stupid for me to say anything about my feelings I'm very sorry...i look like a fool don't i?"he said .
"Streber your such a good men of course I'll be yours,no need to overthink " i said with a chuckle as he stared at me with his sweet smile.
"Really?!"he said as i nodded.
He hugged me as i hugged him back giving him a peck on his forehead.


Wasn't sure about the ending so...Yea 👍


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