Streber x Vampire m!reader part 2

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(i had an idea do why not make it my first one to post the rest of the one shots are coming soon tho)



Your pov -
I hanged out with Streber for the rest of the night.
I could feel him get tired.
I let him sleep in my bed since we went to my house to watch movies and sit random stuff.
I turned into a bat as i reached the roof to sleep upside down in.
I turned half normal Incase i fell.
I wasn't a big fan of my coffin time to time.
It was starting to become morning as the necklace fell off while i was sleeping.
I could feel something burning me but i wasn't sure until i felt it become even worse. I ended up falling into the ground alarming Streber.
I had quickly covered myself with a blanket as i looked for the necklace.
"Are you okay?!" Streber asked as he tried to help me find the necklace.
"Here ya go" he said after he found it and handed it to me.
I quickly took it as i saw my skin turn a bit but burned but i turned completely regular.
"Did you burn yourself badly?" Streber said .
"It's not that bad ,but yea" i said as i tried to rubb off the burn marks.

"Are you hungry?" I said getting up like it wasn't a pain falling.
"I could eat something" he said with a smile.
"Alright you stay right here I'll make you something" i said before heading to the kitchen to make something to eat.

Large ish time skip

I've confessed my love towards Streber a few years ago.
I've been dating him for 4 years now and I have something i want to tell him.
But their was only one problem if i did this.
I shouldn't think about this now but i want to think of my future .
I held the box that contained the ring i was going to propose to Streber.
It was time and the perfect day for it too.
It was Halloween the time we met .
It was a perfect day so far , i was holding hands with Streber as we were outside in the dark blue sky.
They were many stars around,one of my favorite things to see.

After all i did know eyes my paranormal buddy.

"I love you so much .." i said as streber turned to stare into my eyes.
"I love you too my bat" he said as he kissed me .
I let go as i started getting a bit nervous.

" streber my love ,it's been about 4 years since we were together,i have always loved you from the start my number goal was to find my future queen or king and I found them , every day i wake up to see your sweet smile ,i your sweet voice. You always find a new way to show me your love ,i loved your dorkiness i don't care what others say about but...Streber (idk his last name ✌️) , would you make me the happiest man and marry me! " i said now red as i showed the ring to him waiting for his answer.

I heard him gasp and I turned to see tears start to form into his eyes.

"Of course i would!" He said letting his tears of joy fall.
I smiled revealing my sharp theet as i felt myself about to cry as well.
I smacked my lips into his as he grabbed my face to deepen the kiss.

It was one it the best days.

Another time skip-

I waited for my about to be husband to come out to walk in the aisle.
I waited for him as i had a bit of sweat dripping off my head.
Lila told me i shouldn't be nervous as she wiped my sweat off.
I saw skid and pump throw the flowers as my flower boys as streber was revealed.
He had a nice looking white suit i could see him walking down the aisle and now next to me.
I was face to face to him.
I felt like i was about to Faith due to getting to red.

The marriage officiant said the vows .
We both said i do and smiled.

"Now you may kiss the groom" he said .
Until someone slammed the front doors.
I quickly turned to reveal her
"Stop the god damn wedding!" The female said.
Her name was jelv ,she looked like a dream girl of any man , she was a good model figure .
She was curvy with long soft hair, she had the most kisseble lips you might say.

"You were arranged to marry me! Not this weak human!" She said speed walking in the aisle towards me.

People just stayed quiet as they all asked the same questions.

I could see streber looked at me confused having the same questions as the others but i could see his eyes try to avoid looking at me as he fiddled with his hands.

I pulled jelv out and into the exit of the place.

"That was only 10 years ago ! I was only assigned to you because you had the 'most beautiful figure ' you knew i didn't have feelings towards you , my parents only wanted a kid from my blood , the only reason I agreed was because i would of disappointed my dad with the deal he had , i now have someone i love more than anyone could and i don't want you ruining my chances " i said with clear anger since she disrupted my weeding.

"Fine you could marry who you like but.." i could see her smile .
I looked at her with a questioning look.

She came close to me and opened her mouth to talk.

"Your husband can't reproduce ,he isn't our type or even a woman for gods sake ,i would love it if you slept with me and got me pregnant so you could continue your bloodline ,after all wasn't that all you wanted"
"To make your parents proud?"
She said as she chuckled.

It was my last thing I'll do ,she was right streber was not a woman or a vampire ,i could turn him into one but it wouldn't make it any different.

I wanted a little kid but from her was a though decision.

I didn't want to backstab strber but i didn't want to miss my opportunity to have a kid.

It seemed like a easy decision but it wasn't to me.
I just left as i headed back inside to continue the weeding.

"I'm sorry folks for the disruption,I've gotten rid of her problem" i said as i walked to streber he still smiled .
He came closer to me as he kissed me , people cheered for us.

I was happy indeed but should i really end my bloodline here....

Damn welp maybe no part 3? 😋
Also i know nothing about weedings 😭

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