yandere Streber x reader part2

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Part 2 also a non binary Reader!
Sorry if I made any mistakes
I tried doing something else again (⁠'⁠ー⁠`⁠)

Your pov-

I felt my heart beat faster as streber still holded me.
I didn't want to die or even stay here no more with a murderer.
But i knew i have loved him that didn't change.
But for now i need to go ,far from here and call the police.
I don't want him to harm anyone else.
I felt like i froze until my fight or flight instinct kicked in where i pushed streber and kicked him where the sun don't shine.
I saw him hold it in pain so i was able to push him away even better and started running to the bedroom where i have left my phone.
I locked the room when I saw him get closer ,he started banging on the door as i put on my shoes.
"(Y/n) darling,think about this ! Please don't go, let me in" the said banging even harder.
I dialed the number til someone answered.
"911 what's your emergency " said the 911 operator (idk if that's how they call them)
"Their is a psycho trying to hurt me he has murdered some people i knew" i said panicky trying not scream hearing the bangs.
"Okay ma'am or sir where are you at the moment?" They said.
"I'm here at ### ## ######" i said as i opened the window.
"Okay miss or sir could you stay there I'll send someone over there " they said as they kept me in call.

"(Y/n) don't make me angry you wouldn't like that ,just please open the door!" Streber said now kicking the door as i felt my self tear up.
"Could you please come quietly i don't want him knowing and harm me " i whispered as the operator said "alright ".
I looked at the window to see a police car coming without the sirens or noise as quietly they could.
I grabbed on the rope i was making and slowly started going down as i heard the door breaking open by streber.
I was halfway til i saw strebers face poking out of the window,he tried bringing the rope up but i went down faster and jumped once i almost touched the ground.
The officers saw me and quickly went towards me ,i ended the call with the operator.
"Hey, are you alright?" Said a black haired one .
I nodded with still visible fear.
"He's still inside " i said as they told me to stay outside and scream if he towards me.
I nodded holding myself in fear as the officers went inside to find him.
I was processing what was happening where i didn't notice someone running towards me.
I was then tackled by streber snapping back to reality and screamed a bit from the pain.
"C'mon (n/n) stay with me ditch these cops and come with me " streber said as he holded a knife to my face.
"I-i can't streber you've killed my past boyfriends and made me feel like shit after they "dump" me ,all this trouble because you couldn't tell me you loved me from the start" i said as some tears started rolling down my face.

"Believe me i tried but every single time one of those guys or ladys stole you from me! Every day and night i supported you and comforted you just for you to be taken away! " He said as i saw a few tears coming from him.
"It pains me (n/n) ,it really does it was never fair that they got to you before i did ,i was to obsessed with you i killed all those guys , I wouldn't want to hurt you or anyone else i just wanted to be with you" streber added as he let go off the knife and teared up more.

"Please forgive me (n/n) "
"Streber i-" before i could even finish i heard a gunshot and looked at strebers middle lower chest start to bleed .
He looked down and then stared at me with a sweet smile .
I felt my heart break seeing him collapse on me .

"I'll always love you (n/n) " was the last thing he said before closing his eyes.
I got up holding his body i wasn't sure if he was alive or not but the cops came closer and grabbed his body and called a lady that worked at the morgue that a new body will be coming in.
"Sorry we didn't come earlier , but hopefully you have a good rest other than this " said the officer before grabbing strebers body and dragging it to the vehicle.
I got up and went inside his house.

"It was my fault he did all of this ,why he died ..your such a fool (y/n) a god damn pussy ,you shouldn't of never called the cops !" I talked to myself as i grabbed my head in regretion.

"I'm so sorry streber..." I said to myself as i saw the cops leave.

Damn is he really dead? Or no??
Maybe i should make part 3 or nah ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌

Publishing 3 more requests after this (once i complete them ofc)

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