FTM trans reader x streber

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A bit of smut added!
I do not how some things work as in sexual stuff with a trans person tbh (from the body surgery and anything like that since I'm not sure what the person requested actually wanted i would do like a lemon ish maybe a butt fuck idk 😭)
I'm not good with sexualities so my apologies i do absolutely any mistakes.

Your pov-

I was getting ready to watch this vampire movie that was coming out today.
I was pretty excited since their were realizing one after all this time.
I mean the rest of the horror movies were great but it didn't compare to this one.
I was told it would be the best ,i was a vampire fan as well as others but i loved the thought in being a vampire.
I love the way they dressed.
I put on my shirt and shoes being the last thing as i then left.
I grabbed a jacket before leaving.
It was pretty windy outside and kinda dark but the street lights made it more visible.
I started walking to the movie theaters were i saw one of my friends.
"Hey Radford!" I said as i reached the counter.
"Let me guess you want to watch the new vampire movie?" He said with a Chuckle as i nodded quickly.
"You know I'll be closing up the ticket booth and snack area i can Join you off you'll like bro" he added.
"Of course I'll wait for you after all the movie will start in 35 minutes or so" i said as he smiled at me.

Time skip -(cause yes)

Still your pov-

I saw as Radford close the snack and ticket booth as the movie was a bit start.
He locked the front doors and turned off a few lights saying that the movie theater is closed.
Because the movie will end at 1 in the morning so it would be better to close up right now.
"Where are they playing it?" I said as i looked at the hallways.
"I think it was number 5 " Radford said as he tried to remember.
We headed and there and then realized this was the romantic movie so we quickly got out after we saw a sex scene.
I was a bit flustered hearing the moans and all.
"That was awkward " i said as Radford chuckled.
"Oh! Now i remember it was number 8!" He quickly said as i started running towards it.
Luckily i made it in time before it started.
"Woo hoo ,i made it in time " i whispered shouted.
I have forgotten their was stairs and i ended up falling.
I could hear Radford dying of laughter as he saw me trip .
I grabbed my head in a bit of pain as i felt someone in front of me.
"You alright?" Whispered a male that had 2 sharp theet like a vampire.
I nodded as i felt myself heat up.
"He's kinda hot" i thought to myself.
Luckily he helped me get up unlike Radford who was basically dying in the back.
"Thanks and sorry for bothering you !" I whispered yelled as i quickly ran away nervous.
I grabbed Radford as i dragged him to some open seats.
"That was funny " Radford said wiping a test off.
"Yea Yea whatever" i said as my eyes stared into the big screen.
"I kinda wish i was that lucky woman" i said as i saw the vampire making out with the female in the movie.
"Your weird sometimes" Radford said as he backed away a bit jokingly.
"I can help you achieve that" said someone behind me.
It was the male who helped me .
I felt my heart skip a beat hearing him say that.
"See man you got a chance" Radford said giving me a smirk.
"I..umm no- maybe do ..i mean no! No NO..."i said as i covered my face.
"Maybe later ~" i heard the male from earlier day as he was then smacked in the back of his head by another male who had black and red hair.
"Shut it and watch the movie ,streb" he said as the vampire theet male rubbed his head in pain before i had my attention to the movie screen.

Another time skip cause idk -

"See you later (y/n) !" Radford said as i waved him a goodbye.
"Bye rad tell your siblings i said hi!"i said as i started to walk away.

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