yandere Kevin x reader

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Another yandere Kevin how hot
Also female reader


Your pov-

I was hanging out with my friend . He was available for the whole day now .
"Hey bud , wanna go get some candy?" I said as i saw the candy club in my view.
"Sure if they have our favorite candies that is " he said with a smile.
"Of course they do! Last one there is a rotten egg!" I said as i started running as fast as i could.

"hey that isn't Fair!" He said as he started running.
He ended up winning cause i fell over a rock.
"Bahaha dumbass" he said laughing as  i felt embarrassed seeing my hands in pain .
I fell on my hands and face so their were scratches on them .
"Maybe they might have something to help you " he added as we entered.

"Hey (y/n) " i heard Kevin's voice making me cheer up.
"Heyyyy Kevin!" I said rushing in the counter.
"Woah what happened to you " he said checking my face making me blush a little.
"I-...um  fell " i nervously chuckled as Kevin grabbed a medkit from the back.
He cleaned the blood and put some bandages on me.
"Be careful next time idiot" he said as i smiled.
"Hey (y/n) how many should i grab?' my friend yelled as i yelled back to him to get 15 .
Which he came with a handful of our favorite candies.
He placed them in the counter as he patted my head.
I saw Kevin gave him a glare as he placed them in a bag.

Kevin's pov-

I saw as the male patted (y/n) making a spark of jealousy form in me .
I gave him a glare as he looked at me.
I love (y/n) i hated seeing someone else touching her beside me.
"That'll be 6 dollars" i said giving a small smile not leaving the males stare .
"Here you go "  she said as my eyes went to her feeling better.
I grabbed the cash as she headed towards the exit saying a goodbye.
Who is that male exactly?
Is he just some other guy trying to steal her from me ?
No need to worry about that ... after all he isn't the first one.

At last my shift ended and i first headed to my lovely (y/n)'s house.
I saw the male from earlier there with her he seemed to make her laugh.
Well then..let's just give him a friendly visit..

Your pov-

"No way you really did?!"  I said laughing as my friend told me something funny.
"Yea your turn truth or dare-" he was cut off by my scream.
"Woah (n/n) did you not pay electric bills?" I said seeing it was pitch black dark.
"Of course i did " i said grabbing my device.
I turned on the flashlight.
"Go check what's wrong" i said as he looked at me in a 'really' expression.
He got up and went to check it out.

Kevin's pov-

I saw as the male rose up and grabbed his phone and headed to check the generator (or whatever) from where i turned off the lights.
I holded a pocket knife following him quitely.
He turned around time to time heading to the direction.
After he went to check it out he was about to turn on the lights but i punched him before he did something as he fell.
"Man what the hell " he said as he tried to look for his device.

"I'm sorry but i can't have you blocking my way to get towards (n/n) " i said as i broke his phone into pieces and grabbing the pocket knife i had .
I stabbed him with it as he tried screaming but i covered my hand and the idiot didn't even think at all.
He could of easily fight back but instead he didn't he just panicked a bit and that's it.
Maybe i should give it a quick one?.
I put the knife back as i grabbed his head and twisted it .
I smiled feeling his lifeless body.
I threw his body as i turn the lights back on.
I headed outside before i was seen i was lucky i didn't even get dirty.

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