Kevin x sister reader

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Younger sister reader

Probably the last Kevin one I'll do for a while lol

Your pov-

I laid in bed feeling really bad ,i should have never went to visit my sick friend last week.

I coughed still trying to hold them back.
I quickly got up as i felt like i coughed to hard and vomited in the trash can i had next to my desk.
I thought it was a little bit but i kept vomiting.

"(Y/n)? You okay?"  Kevin my older brother said as i lifted my head once i was done vomiting.

"Yea ..i should get ready for school!" I said getting up as if i did not threw up a bunch.

"Oh no your staying home ,my job can wait but I'm not letting my little sister go out sick " he said pushing me back to the bed as i tried to protest.

"I'm only 3 years younger" i said as he covered me with some blankets.

"So what? Your still younger ,I'll come back with the medicine and tissues" he said leaving me to smile to myself at his big brother worry.

I felt my nose tickle then sneezed feeling like i just blew my mind out.

After 5 minutes Kevin can back with everything necessary to treat me.
Medicine,water , tissues and more.
I saw him pour the liquid medicine on a spoon and looked at me.

"You better not spit it out like last time " he said in a serious look as i nervously chuckled.
I wasn't a fan at the taste of medicine.

I drank 2 spoon full of the medicine trying not to throw it up .
"Here drink this as well" he said handing me water .
Which i of course drank fastly to get rid of the flavor of the medicine.

My stomach being my stomach tried to get it out.

I ended up throwing up on Kevin's close.
"Shit I'm sorry!" I said as i tried to get up but was pushed back to lie down.

"It's okay (n/n) no need to worry i got more clothes"  he said getting up as he poured a few pills out and told me to swallow them .
I accepted it feeling guilty about throwing up on him.

"I'll be right back if you need me scream or call me " he said getting out of the room to change.

I felt my forehead feeling like it was heating up .
I giggled thinking if i heated up more i could cook a egg on my forehead.

I yawned feeling a bit tired.

"I'm back and i got the bath ready with fresh cold water to relax you ,maybe?" He said as he helped me stand up.

"If theirs any issues please don't stay silent I'll be in the next room (n/n) " he said closing the door as i undressed myself and entered the bath.
It was actually a bubble bath my favorite.

I love my big brother hehe ...
I felt my eyes close for a bit .


The next 2 days i finally felt better!

But Kevin looked like a zombie -

"It was worth making you feel better" he said sneezing and shivering.
I covered him with a soft blanket as he smiled.

"How about we watch all the episodes of (f/c/s) ( favcartoon/show) ! " I said as he chuckled.

"I see why not as long as you make those tasty snacks!" He said covered in warmness as i patted his head happily.


I'm not sure what to do so that's that :')

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