Radford x gn reader pt2

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Uhhh it's the gender neutral reader fluff one...the one where the reader had problems sleeping

Im pretty sure most of y'all still stay up late

Your pov

I woke up after sleeping for a bit , barely 3 hours of sleep ,it was a pain getting out of Radfords arms.

That guy holded on for dear life , especially those Random mutters in his sleep.

I yawned a bit as i looked around to see what i could do,i received a call from my job and I opened my phone and answered the call.

"(Y/n) im sorry to bother you at this time but is there any way you can be here? Ill pay you extra ,the restaurant needs all the help" the manager said as listened.

I checked the time to see it was 4 in the morning,it was quite early but the restaurant was opened 24 hours most of them time do i sighed a bit.

"Sure ill be there in..6 minutes" i replied as the manager thanked me and i hanged up.

I stretched a bit liking the feeling of it ,it felt better ,i felt refreshed.

I didn't have clean clothes so i had to improvise..so i took Radfords clothes, the ones that fotted me perfectly.

I had my uniform back over in the restaurant,it was just an apron ,hat and a name badge.

I didn't waste time as i left Radfords house trying not to wake up anyone.

Luckily i left without any issues as i headed to the restaurant and went to the employees room only and put on the uniform.

"Glad you could make it (y/n)! Could you serve tables 2,6 , 7 ,and while you're out there could you check out the chiar problem at table..mm i think it was 9 also clean tables 3 and 4 , I'll appreciate" they said in a rush,i could see everyone was busy ,there were a few parties or celebrations going on.

I grabbed the cleaning supplies,notepad and straws and fixed my hair ,i put on a sweet smile to look good for great reviews and comfortable to talk to.

I headed to table 2,6 and 7 to ask for their orders , i had to write a whole bunch due to many of the people having specific preferences.

It wasn't much of an issue ,i headed to the kitchen giving the orders to the chef.

"Make sure table 2 order they get the steak medium rare with lots of juices , don't add onions they are allergic so clean the stoves and utensils right, 6 sre the picky ones careful you don't mix anything and 7 are assholes so don't follow their order too good" you said as your partner chuckled.

"Got it ,and once your done could you do the dishes? Brett is on break and cassie is running late" he said as you nodded.

You grabbed the cleaning towel and went to clean the tables that were empty and throwing the leftovers and taking the plates , utensils and cups.

"Hey mr/ms" You turned around to see a lady .

"Yes ma'am?" You said as you stacked up the plates in table 9 .

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