John × female reader

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Childhood friend reader!

Your pov -
I moved in back into my hometown , i grew up here but eventually had to move with my mom.
It's been about 7 years ago.
I remembered all the things i used to do.
The energetic kid i was , hopefully get to know the people here or run into someone i know.
I now owned a bakery , i decided to make one here.
I see why not ,i never seen many good ones here.
After i opened people started coming in , my first costumer was some cop , i think his name was jack? .
He was in the look for doughnuts and came inside seeing the displays.
He ordered the sprinkled one .
I started working on them . I had some already being heating up.
They were fresh i added my secret recipe into them to give them a mouth watering flavor.
After i handed him his doughnuts he had came every single day.
The word spread around that this bakery had the best produces and sweets.
I started hiring cashier, i wad the baker .
I really loved working here seeing people enjoy my sweets.
I heard a bell from the door .
I was in the back trying to come how with a new special.
"Hello! Is (n/n) here?" I heard jack say .
I looked through the window , i stopped mixing my mixture as i headed to the front .
"Hey Jack ,what would it be today!" I said as the cashier went to restock the sweets that were gone.
"Give me the best you got , i brought my partner John to try your sweets!" Jack said.
Behind him you saw some man , with brown curly hair , you felt like you've seen him before.
He then realized you were staring at him he then opened his eyes widely as if he just remembered something.
He pulled jack away as he chat to him in a corner.
You just shrugged as you went back to the kitchen .
You continued making a surprise cake .
It was a mouth watering flavor, you couldn't tell what it was or anything but you would eat and want more.
Your helpers tasted the cake .
You could only hear adoration and approvals.
You decided that it would be the perfect thing to give to jack and his friend ,John.
You swears you've heard before.
You Shaked your head as you decorated the cake in a fancy style and cut 2 slices .
The aroma spreading throughout the bakery and some people asking what was that sweet smell.
I got out of the kitchen with my uniform on.
I saw where they say i started heading there as i saw jack smirk at John and John some shade of pink.
I handed them the plates as they started to cut it and take a bite.
"Holy God this is the most delicious thing I've ever tried, i swesr your some type of goodness!" Jack screamed as he started to shove the cake into his mouth.
You could see John's eyes sparkle .
He seemed to enjoyed it.
You were happy with the results you were about to leave until your armed was grabbed by John.
"Hey (y/n) any chance your last name (l/n) ? , He said looking into your eyes.
"Yea , i thought nobody knew my last nam- , wait only one person knew my last name , is it really you moonlight?!" You said feeling your heartbeat faster remembering john.
"The one and only sunshine " he chuckled as i quickly hugged him .
He hugged me back as a test rolled down .

Jack was done eating his cake and done drinking his strawberry milkshake as he started to drool and planning in eating John's slice.
As much as he adored seeing both of you happy he couldn't keep his eyes on the slice and ended up eating it anyways.
When John pulled away to continue eating he saw John already done with his .
John got a bit upset until you told him you had more .
Jack then got up asking for another slice leaving to you to giggle seeing his milkshake moustache, before you headed to the kitchen to get another slice you felt John kiss your cheek .
You blushed as you looked at him in the eyes with a sweet smile heading to the kitchen and serving both a new slice .

Another one done
The others are still in progress -

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