Kev x readerxstreb part2

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Male reader, remember

Bold - streber

Underlined - Kevin

Normal - male name /reader

Your pov-

I saw as a shadow towered over me ,me being me i turned around just to be hit by something as I saw a flash and then completely darkness .


I had woken up feeling like crap.what the hell happened back there?
At least I ain't dead! Or yet
I look around me to see a unfamiliar room.
,I got up from the bed as I was about to check around I felt something pull me back.
I ended up falling on my ass before I noticed it was chain around my hand.
How tf did I not notice that!?

(M/n) your going to die! You've been kidnapped!!!
I heard footsteps come closer as I felt a bit scared.
Oh Lord... please don't let me die ...I'm begging you..

I closed my eyes as I covered myself with some random blanket.
Isn't that useful?!
"He's awake!" I heard someone whisper yell in excitement.
I heard as the steps sounded closer and felt them uncover my dumbass.
I played dead resulting my head to hit the ground kinda harsh.
It wasn't worth it.
"Kevin you hurt them!" I heard that familiar voice.
"I-i didn't mean to!" The other male said as I felt myself about to laugh.
"Wait... Kevin the fucking candy worker?!"
"These people literally just kidnapped me ,i must have pissed them off " i started rolling under the bed scared as I heard the chains on my arm cause noise as the both stopped discussing.

"(M/n) ? You up?" I heard streber said as I had my back facing them

"No" i replied scared.
I heard streber giggle.
"Come out of there" Kevin said as he pulled the chain a bit.
"No" i said again.

"I don't want to die " i added.

"We're not going to kill you "Kevin said as he kneeled down.
"That's what they all say"
"Well let you go ...under one condition!" Streber said loudly.
"... what is that exactly?" I replied turning to face them.
I had a fast beating heart now that's for sure but acting calm is great!

"To love us as much as we love you "


"Streb that's to straight forward

"He meant to at least let us have a chance with you" he added a bit flustered as streber played with his hands.
I fully got out from under there.

"Deal get this hit off me " i said as I gave them my arm .

They ended up taking the cuff off me ....

"There now can w-"

I saw the door was opened and my flight or fight instinct kicked in as I went towards it .

I didn't want to stop from running i fell downstairs tripping on one of the steps,but till got up in a hurry to find a exit .
Of course I heard sudden footsteps.
"How the hell is he that fast?!" 

"Did he just fall!"

I kept running t what i thought was the front the door.
And correct it was!

I opened it as I weakly ran with the injured leg i had as blood bleed out of my nose.
Yes I am and idiot but freedom is sweet.
I felt something hit the back of my head.

"Ow !" I turned around to see it was a banana .

"streber Really ....a banana"

I then felt another thing hit my back hard making me lose my balance and fell on the ground hitting my face.

I turned around to see their were standing in front me.

"Please don't kill me i still haven't watched all of (kids shows) episodes!" I said as I covered my face.

"You haven't watched it?!"


"How about we watch it together "  he said with a smile.

I thought of it as I moved my leg and then helped at the sudden pain.
"First we help you "

"No!" I said backing away from them.
I ended up being dragged.
They ended up making me feel a bit better tho my leg was sprained.
But they gave me painkillers....still not sure if to trust these guys.
"Did you order the (f/f)?"
"Yes of course!"

"Okay well wait to share with (m/n)"

"I trust the so much now NO I LOVE THEM-"
"....Yea ...just cause they just mentioned sharing my favorite food "

Time skip for idk how long ...4 weeks?

Your pov-

I got use to them honestly,I've gotten comfortable with both of them i ..well it's weird to say but i developed feelings towards the 2 guys.

"Did you make up your mind yet?"

I thought about it for a while .

I nodded,as i heard streber Cher s bit as they waited for s response.

"So would you (m/n) accept us as your boyfriends?"

"No y'all are ugly....just kidding of course is old but still won't forgive you for hitting me with the bat.."

"It was worth it we won the guy we wanted from it "
I felt as streber launched himself on me snuggling onto me.

"I'm never letter you go now"

"Might as well join"  Kevin shrugged as i was between both of them.

"Even tho  i miss my loneliness and art projects ive got to say i love both of you "


Tbh it was a quick one

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