? x reader part 2

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Part 2 cause i broke some people's hearts 😒

Hopefully you enjoy


Dexter's pov-

It's been almost a week since they got married.
I supported them but i knew deep down i didn't want to.
I received a call from a unknown number.
I answered as i laid in my bed .
I haven't slept very well ,i must confess, nor did i treated myself good now.
"Hello?" I said in a tired voice .
"Hello this is (y/n) ,this is Dexter right?"i heard her sweet voice say.
"Yes this is Dexter,nice to hear from you" i said .
"Hey i know this is weird but could you step outside?"she said.
I wasn't what sure but whatever right?
Worse thing that can happen is that i get killed .
"Sure I'll be out in 3 minutes" i said before she hanged up.
I put on a jacket and slippers and headed downstairs.
I opened the door and I was kinda startled at seeing (y/n) standing there.
"Oh um..hi" i said awkwardly.
"Okay so um..me and bob were wondering if you'll like to join our relationship,into a poly relationship but it's okay if you don't want to,bob feels okay sharing me and i must say i do have feelings for you "she said as i felt like i was dreaming.
"What?" I said confused but hoping it was true.
"Yea buddy join our relationship and me and we can share (y/n) ,I'm really sorry for taking her away from you but we both agreed to become a poly relationship " i heard bob say.
I felt my heart flutter.
"I-i wouldn't mind" i said as (y/n) hugged me with excitement.
"First thing first let's go to sleep " she said as she yawned ,it was getting dark and maybe i should go to sleep.
"Of course darling " bob said as i carried (y/n) and sat her in the bed.
"Bob your pretty God damn big my bed won't fit you " i said as i heard her chuckle and bob roll his eyes.

Your pov-

"No need to call me out " bob responded to Dexter.
"Ooh we can set blankets in the ground!" I said as they looked at me.
"This is why I love my (n/n) " Dexter said as he kissed my lips.
I felt my face heat up.
I then saw bob come closer to me and they started competing on who could give me more kisses.
Long story short i had many marks and hickeys and felt like i lost my breathing for how long they kissed me .
I felt myself fall on the bed as i catched my breathing.
"Look at what you did!" I heard Dexter say.
"Me?! ,You kissed her for more than 5 minutes!" Bob yelled back.

After that we set up the blankets and bed sheets on the floor.
I laid in the center as Dexter smiled as he took off his shirt, shoes and pants as bob did as well.
I felt myself blush seeing their perfect bodies ,i felt like my eyes turned into hearts and drooling.
Dexter wrapped his hands around my chest as bob covered all of 3 and snuggled into my back .
I felt my eyes starting to close as i felt Thier warmth on me.
"Love you both goodnight" i said with a yawn.
"Love you more (n/n) " Dexter quickly said
"Nu uh i love her more " bob replied quickly as i playfully rolled my eyes and decided to ignore their kiddy Acts and went to sleep.



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