smut hah-

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Idk which character but it's going to be a male


(.......) Enter anyone

Anyways let's start this

"Underlined" - (.....)

"Normal" -reader

Your pov-

I was currently laying in my bed with a secret plushie I've made of my beloved (.....).

He didn't know about it and i wasn't planning for him too.
I only made it cause i felt very lonely these past days with him being busy.
It turned out adorable and soft and this was the best thing I've made.
I snuggled into it as the silence filled the air leaving me and my thoughts.
Well that is until i heard the door open .
As fast as i could i hided the plushie as my beloved entered the room looking at me confused.
"What are you hiding (n/n)?" He said making me a bit nervous.
"Nothing!" I responded.

"You sure?"




Both of us stayed in silence as we stared at each other my (e/c) eyes focused on his.

Well that is until he broke the eye contact and pushed me a bit to get to the thing.

"Your cheating on me with a mini (....)?!" He said holding the plushie.

"...noooo"i said as i was going to run away.
He grabbed me before i could even move pinning me.

"Explain is he better than me?" He said as i tried not to laugh.
"He's way better ,way softer ,big comfort and the best" i said as he threw the plush away.

"Oh but can it please you as much as i do you?" He said making me feel flustered.

"What-" I said before he smacked his lips into mine .
I didn't want to accept it knowing if it did it meant he will continue to do the rest.
He bit my lip as i tried to not yell.

"C'mon? Just a quick one" he said stoping the kiss.
"Promise it won't be like last time?"

"Promise" he chuckled as he spreaded my legs making me blush at the action.

He once again kissed my lips as i let him this time slip his tongue into my mouth.
I felt those funny tingles you get when both tongues went in contact.
It was a weird yet good feeling.
Something i really couldn't describe it but i surely love this feeling.
Both of our saliva mixing with his tongue in mine.

I felt short out of breath as he pulled out and made a trail of saliva as he smiled looking at my blushing state.
I closed my eyes as i felt a bit on my neck.
"AHH! god damn it careful!" I said smacking his head a bit.
i felt something underneath my entrance as he stared in to my eyes smirking as he took off my pants and took his as well.

Leaving both of us in underwear.
He went closer opening my legs once more as i felt something press on my entrance.
I could feel his member rubbing onto the fabric of the underwear giving it a weird yet good feeling for me.

I tried to hold in my moans as he kept that same speed not letting his eyes leave my gaze.

I felt him get harder and harder pressing more into my entrance making it a bit more painful.

He stopped as i felt like realizing but i knew he just wanted to tease me for a bit.

"I'm bored " he said about to stand up.

"Whatever i can finish doing it myself" i said as i stood up.

He grabbed my hand and chuckled.

"I was just kidding" he said pulling me back into the bed.
Tho this time i felt his grip tighten a bit more around my arms.
He looked down at my bottom area before ripping my panties off .

I felt the breeze in the room ..i felt very revealed which was true.

"Just telling you i crossed my fingers with that promise" he whispered into my ear.
I was about to get out of his grip til i felt his hard wet member enter inside of me with a bit of struggles.

I moaned the pain out as he carested my face.

"Forgot how tight you were " he said making me feel flustered.

I thought he would only go that far but not even close.
He instead entered me a bit deeper feeling like I've been stretched now.

He didn't even bother to put on some lube nor protection.

"Ah~  (...) " I moaned out as he thrusted in me and out of me.
I didn't feel like i could handle all this pressure he was putting inside of my sensitive area.

He was basically abusing it ,i could hear both our skins come in contact as he went a bit more faster.

I felt his member get a bit of that slimy feeling making it better and making me satisfied.

You could hear the sounds of what we're happening.
I couldn't even handle it,i felt myself release as he did as well.

He filled me up just right making me turn red feeling all that liquid pressure go into my sensitive area.

"I'm better aren't i?"he said pulling out of me making the liquids come out as i nodded.

"Now how about a round 2?" He said as i saw him still have an erection.

"There goes my ability to walk " i said as he laughed a bit.

"This time for a longer time"


Hahahah no round 2 for you

Unless y'all convince me or tell me why should I write round 2

I will laugh if yall do an actual paragraph/list why i should

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