caring Roy x anxious male reader

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It was requested!

Roy's pov-

I stared into the window as the teacher kept chatting about the subject,i never took liking for school honestly.

I've heard from my friends their was a new kid, they sat right behind me .
He didn't seem to socialize in these past few hours.

It was a taller (h/c) ,(s/c) male .
He seemed the one who would win over any fight.
I could see a bit of his arms how well he exercise i guess.

I wouldn't like to mess with him .

"(M/n) could you please tell us the answer for question number 3 ?"  I heard the teacher say as  me and the whole class turned around to face him maybe hearing his voice for the first time.

Your pov-

I was writing notes to remember everything good so i wouldn't have to ask anyone.
I didn't want to face my fear just yet.
I know I was pathetic ,i was taller than many others,i exercised pretty well so i had better strength but the thing is I never really socialized.

If i had a problem i would do it or fix it on my own.
That's how I lived all my life.
My parents always had me locked up ,so i grew up alone with no friends or siblings.

"(M/n) could you please tell us the answer for question number 3?"  The teacher said i raised my head to see many people staring at me.

I felt my heart beating faster.
Why are all their eyes on me?!
What if i mess up a word?!
Please stop staring ...
Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry  Don't cry-
I heard the bell ring.

"It's alright (m/n) we will continue were we left off tomorrow" the teacher smiled as i quickly got my stuff packed and ready.
I ran out of the classroom feeling like i was being watched by everyone.
My head started to hurt and I got dizzy.

Don't cry

Was all i can say to myself.
I arrived to the boys bathroom as i locked myself up i felt my eyes start to water and felt myself tremble as i breathed heavily .
I didn't want to be here i wanted to leave .
I should have never left my house

I should be homeschooled
I heard a knock in the stall.

"Hey um (m/n) was it? " I heard another male say.

"P-please l-l-le ave me b-be " i said as i wiped a few of my tears still falling.

I heard the male sigh, i thought he left so i sat in the corner of the big stall i was in ,i covered my face , first day and I was already a failure.

"Don't cry,it doesn't look good on you " i heard the male say sounding like he was closer to me .
It startled me when i felt his touch.

It was the boy who was sitting in front of me.
Is her here to make fun of me.
I felt my heart race even faster as i couldn't control my breathing.

I could see the male look at me worried.
"Hey calm down just take a few deep breaths! I won't hurt you or do anything negative" he said trying to calm me.
Eventually after a few minutes i calmed down.

The boy wiped the tears off my face ,i looked at him trying not to freak out .

"My name is Roy i know your new but you shouldn't be afraid , if anyone dares to hurt you me and my gang/friends will hurt them for you " you heard him say with a comforting smile.
You smiled a little at the thought of it.
"Thanks r-roy ,im just not a social person i worry how others see me or think about me" i said as i stared into his eyes.

They were comforting at the moment.
"Hey it's alright we are all different!" He said giving me a hand to lift me up which i accept.
"Your just lucky it's lunchtime so we didn't skip any classes ,we still have 20 minutes, would you like to eat outside with me and my friends?" Roy said with a pink ish face.

"Umm..sure" before i could process i was dragged out of the bathroom i looked down to the floor to about any contact.
It took about 3 minutes til we arrived outside,i saw 2 other boys waiting outside with a bunch of snacks and treat's .

I kept looking down once i saw them looking at my direction.

"Hey Roy !" I heard one of them say .
I kept trying to avoid eye contact and trying to relax my breathing.

"You okay dude " i heard a bit deep voice say which startled me .

"He's just really anxious but he's a nice guy,his name is (m/n)" Roy said as he patted my back.
I just blush at his actions .

Maybe this won't be as bad as i thought..

Another request done 👍

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